400 Pounds, Years of Self Doubt, Gone After a Year of Keto

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Check out Nutritional Consistency Coaching: https://reveirahealthandwellness.com/wellnesssquad/ Telling your keto/carnivore …

15 replies
  1. @harriscarol513
    @harriscarol513 says:

    I do one a meal a day easy too BUT I can’t eat enough to get in my protein in. I wind up eating maybe 30 g of protein and I’m full to where my tummy hurts. I have to NOT fast in order to not under eat

  2. @leaharvey5201
    @leaharvey5201 says:

    36:4538:00 This part is SO important. I like dancing and unfortunately I stopped doing it when I became overweight, because of the fear of others’ judgment. Now I always think that I will start dancing again after I lose the weight. But I realize that’s not the right way to think ! 😮 I should dance right now, even though I’m obese, I enjoy it so it is the right exercise for me ! Thank you so much for opening my eyes about this 💛

  3. @AngeInFaith111
    @AngeInFaith111 says:

    I can’t fully agree with the eat like our grandparents. They were Hungarian and did eat a lot of eggs and meat, smoked sausage which was all good. However they also canned a lot which was full of sugar especially the peaches. They also did a lot of baking everyday. There was always pies and cakes and all the Hungarian desserts and even homemade bread. I can remember the baking being a big event all the time. As a child I would eat so much if the baked goods. One thing I also remember was when we were busy baking we wouldn’t eat lunch. We would wait for the fresh baked goods coming out of the oven. I think my eating habits started there

  4. @args50451
    @args50451 says:

    Thank you Violet, another great video, you and Alex share many key points to getting healthy. I started with the AHA diet after my heart attack, then went to Keto, and now I follow a Carnivore LIFESTYLE and have never felt better. What you eat matters more than anything else and should be the first thing you focus on if possible.

  5. @pamisjamming
    @pamisjamming says:

    Congratulations to Alex with his weight loss journey. This was a great and informative interview. Now, I must go through all your interviews with your guests and binge watch them. Violet, you're awesome. ❤💯👍

  6. @mandelharvey3429
    @mandelharvey3429 says:

    Believe you’re designed good
    Believe thieving murderers are happy to torture and kill for their profit.
    If the Bible got nothing else right the devil is pushing fruit and plants. The blessings and help come with the meat. Over and over in scripture. Only go plant based whole food if the meat is in processed garbage. Notice Daniel went vegan and didn’t eat anything offered to idols. That would have included the grain offerings.

  7. @mandelharvey3429
    @mandelharvey3429 says:

    Did a fitness praisercize event. The food vendor was incensed that I wasn’t trying the fake meat. Like dude I’m carnivore. I’ll tolerate whole food plants. Not laboratory factory formed stuff. I’m not going to eat keto bread vegan meat or gluten free pancakes. I technically don’t eat bread or pancakes but if I do I’m not going to fake like it’s healthy. Definitely not eating processed pea protein. I’ll eat peas even pinto beans if it comes to it. Just don’t call it meat or protein. And please don’t squeeze the charmin that’s going to be important.

  8. @mandelharvey3429
    @mandelharvey3429 says:

    They’ve had Moses and the prophets to scorn. What more would they heed the warnings of one returning from Sheol. Fitting this interview the week after Easter. Man was entombed in his decrepit flesh is healthy and strong. The way to be healthy and strong from deaths door. Living proof ignored.


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