40 Day Water Fast – No Food For 40 Days

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26 replies
  1. Talle
    Talle says:

    Hi Dan thank you for spreading all this information. I really appreciate all of your videos! I have a question.. Would you recommend water fasting (5-7 days) for someone with severe adrenal fatigue & weak kidney filtration?

  2. citro46
    citro46 says:

    I know this video is from some time ago. Im wondering how your progress with the elimination of the calcium deposits has gone?

    Thanks …its a great video for those who can listen with an open mind and heart.

  3. Jamie G
    Jamie G says:

    i have lost 99 lbs due to limited food supply and run & row
    i am not sure how to do 40 day water fast, is there flavor you can put in the water?

  4. The Vitality ViXXen
    The Vitality ViXXen says:

    Love this. I’m in a heavy 777 phase as I near the end of my life and I’ve watched you for what 11ish years now. You’ve been so inspiring to a sick girl trying to treat my body with love and patience while continuing to nurture my soul. I love the use of the OG videos and the new screenshot for marketing. Whoever is helping you, is going to bring you an abundant audience. Bless you Dan. I hope your heart is slowly breaking free of the shackles from your past. 🤍

  5. Greg Wiggins
    Greg Wiggins says:

    Going through the Treasure Chest videos & just watched the Black Bean Dip video where you were preparing for Lou to come over & talking about he just finished a 40 day fast. Full circle.

  6. Olhamo
    Olhamo says:

    Did this fast happen in 2022? I did my first longish wfast 14 years ago. 29 days. Am so impressed by 40 days, never felt I could get much further. And 21 days was much easier. Definitely lost taste for water, and could only stand hot water, like plain tea. I wonder if a little sole would have been good for the distllled water. That's what I'm going to try, moving forward.

  7. Jeff Nelson
    Jeff Nelson says:

    Dan happy birthday… Can you comment on the effort verse effortlessness in healing. We live From witness consciousness yet we need to lean into certain egoic experiences in order to heal… Or maybe not… What are your thoughts…


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