4 Simple Steps to Stop Throwing Away Food

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If you are tired pitching brown, limp, slimy, or moldy food into the garbage can, in this video we share 4 simple steps to stop …

41 replies
  1. Piglets bank
    Piglets bank says:

    I put left overs or soon to expire items on the middle shelf of my fridge. That's the right level where our eyes go first, and that's what we have ( I include it in mealplanning menu) fresh veggies and fruits are in one place, meat and cheese in another ( sorry) condiments in the door in the same spot as always, and dairy ( sorry again) on one shelf all organised in fifo system. Easy to know what you stil have to put on the table and for on / of groceries list. I Do the same in my freezer drawer: veggies, homemade meals/ soups and cooked rice, and one with protein

  2. Rough-Hewn Homestead
    Rough-Hewn Homestead says:

    We call it 'fend for yourself night', meaning everyone can choose from the leftover stash. I have to say, we don't waste a lot of food, but the one thing that I do find that we waste sometimes is lettuce. My family claims that they love salads. I do not. I don't mind making a salad once a week, but I feel that others could make one another time during the week if they want it. They don't. So…lettuce tends to get yucky. I've recently learned to buy one head of lettuce, make a big salad, and when it's gone, it's time to choose something else.
    One good thing is that we keep hens so most kitchen waste goes to them and we eat it as eggs. šŸ˜‰

  3. Donna Myers
    Donna Myers says:

    Thursday night was our left over night because I went grocery shopping on Friday. When the frig was full of the new groceries the older food got pushed back and wasted.

  4. Bri A
    Bri A says:

    I have had excellent success in making bananas last a lot longer – separate them from each other, and throw them in the fruit drawer in the fridge (I am in Texas). They have lasted well over a week in good condition.

  5. Pamela Ostrander
    Pamela Ostrander says:

    Yep hello from Oregon! We have, What you got ? burrito night.. So the night before the trash man commeth…,. I take all the left overs from that week then put out taco mixing s and you have what you got burrito night. As well wipe down the fridge that evening and make my shopping list for the week
    Always have tortillas on the start of your list. Do your shopping the next day. Advantages of this schedule? No leftovers going bad. Your fridge is clean and ready to bring in the weeks groceries the next day!

  6. Samantha Hardy
    Samantha Hardy says:

    Having a large worm farm would be useful for some vegetable scraps and eggshells. The worms can provide liquid plant food and compost for the garden or you could sell the liquid plant food. Worms are natural composters.

  7. Ann Johnson
    Ann Johnson says:

    I read a great tip from Kate Kaden. With bananas either split them separately and keep them apart or if kept together cover the joined end over with tinfoil. I have kept bananas over a week this way. Thanks Kate.

  8. Victor Wadsworth
    Victor Wadsworth says:

    Little off topic but if you have pets, check for Food Banks for pets in your area. My sister has four cats, no income except a small pension, I just seen something on a local pet Food Bank in our area. I bought two bags of 20-pound bird seed at Aldis for $8.00 each & plan to buy two more bags. "Birds gotta eat, same as worms". Stolen from Clint Eastwood.

  9. Maria Hurley
    Maria Hurley says:

    I call it freezer soup. I never put leftovers away without a plan. Things like 1/2 cup of tomato sauce, some extra diced onions, 2 Tablespoons of corn and a bit of chicken end up in a round Tupperware container in the freezer. That is the base for soup with any veggies in the fridge needing using.

  10. Sunny Scott
    Sunny Scott says:

    The easiest way to not waste food is to only buy what you need.
    My husband and I only buy what we want and will eat from day to day.
    We may go to the store 3 or 4 times a week but we don't waste much at all. Easy peasy.

  11. melissa zabower
    melissa zabower says:

    I find I throw out less if my meal prep is done by ingredient rather than by meal. When I make 5 lunches and 5 dinners and put them in the fridge, by the time I get to Friday, I'm sick & tired of it, so the last 1-2 servings sit until I get around to tossing them. But if I make a big container of pasta and put chopped veg (cooked or not) in a container and cooked, chopped chicken or whatever in another — then one day I toss the 3 with red sauce and another day I mix it with an Indian style sauce and another day with cheesy sauce. That works better for me. šŸ˜€

  12. Ten Thousand Days of Gratitude
    Ten Thousand Days of Gratitude says:

    Iā€™m not allowed to buy any food for the rest of the month so that I eat up whatā€™s in my fridge. I bet I could get into May.

    I have scrambled eggs and chuck in everything leftover from my fridge on the weekend. I also cook veg and then repurpose it in different dishes for lunches. I also eat many things past their date. Itā€™s usually a ā€œbest beforeā€ not, ā€œtoxic afterā€ date.

  13. Barbara Trubenbach
    Barbara Trubenbach says:

    My husband does not like left over foods. I now cook one piece of meat per each one. Casseroles are smaller, I can cut dish in half and freeze the rest. He used to spread mayo thickly on sandwiches, put some in a small dish, saving. We used to have a Skip Night, to clean out refrig. some weird meals!! I call clean up veggies called Stoup, my kids didn't like stew, some didn't like soup, Stoup they all ate! I did some thing today I never do. A lady had 3 little girls all under 8 and a baby. She was telling kids she could not afford crackers. I stopped and told her she could get a better buy going bulk. She said kids like these snack pack lunches, she could have kids make their own little snack packs for lunch a lot cheaper, while teaching the girls. She was a teacher, but unwanted advise just went right over her head. Oh well, butted in where I was not needed, but I tried. These generations need to learn what our grandparents did, how I was taught. You two keep giving out great advice,we older ones know what you are talking about, hopefully it will finally get through some of these young ones before it is too late. Keep up the good work, really enjoy what you do and have done, flea markets, second hand shops are great places!

  14. Amanda Youngs
    Amanda Youngs says:

    We always called "Kitchen Sink Soup" by the name "Tiger Soup", which I think had something to do with my mother always putting a lot of red lentils in, along with a few carrots! Another great video from you two, what a double act! Thank you.

  15. Isabel Serrano
    Isabel Serrano says:

    My teacher back in the 70's would illustrate how the food we left on our plates at lunch would be enough to feed a child in India, where famine was evident, this was so instilled in me that to this day I don't take more food than I know I can eat and hardly ever do I leave food on my plate, and I have raised my children to do exactly the same. However with my son that was never a problem his middle name is eating and feeding his friends, often I would cook supper and leave for my job at 4pm. He would arrive with company and would eat whatever was on the stove before going for soccer practice.

  16. Katarina Prais
    Katarina Prais says:

    one day my husband and I took a ride one sunday afternoon. When driving home I said we had a lot of little things of left overs in the frieg. We were going out to dinner, but decided to go home and eat our left overs. Well when we got home and looked in the Frieg our oldest son had eaten all of the food and put the many containers back in the Frieg empty. What a hoot. Well needless to say after cleaning out the empty containers we decided to go out to eat after all. At 8pm at night I did not want to start cooking.
    Turned into a pizza.

  17. C H
    C H says:

    Thanks for the good video! I wrap a whole celery stalk in foil, it keeps longer. I freeze bananas (in their peels)in sealed plastic bag. For leftover canned food, I peel the paper label off, fold and secure it on a container with a rubber band. That makes it easy to spot!
    To label take-to-work lunches for separate people, write their name on the paper end of an apple bag tag/clip & attach to rubber band that helps hold lid on. It's reusable!


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