4 Instant Pot Rice Recipes | Step-by-Step Instant Pot Recipe

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Today I’m going to be showing your 4 different ways to make rice in your Instant Pot. 1. Parmesan Risotto: …

34 replies
  1. Vicki Davis
    Vicki Davis says:

    These rice dishes look wonderful and I'm going to try a few of them. Do you have a recipe or video for rice pudding? I love the sweet creaminess of this dish and I usually add raisins. Love your great recipes! Thank you.

  2. waterstreeter
    waterstreeter says:

    Thank you so much for giving the Lux some face time on the camera! I know it's not the newest, most exciting one but my 6-qt. Lux is and will continue to be my work horse! It got used twice so far today and will get used once more tonight. I am never getting rid of it until the sad day if it comes that it dies. Hopefully not for a long time! Love the rice recipes!!!

  3. Judith Loue
    Judith Loue says:

    I love making risotto on the stovetop, with all the stirring. It can be quite relaxing as a process, but when I have to put dinner on the table, sooner-than-later, my Instant Pot is a god send. Thank you for your recipe(s)!

  4. SriRanjani
    SriRanjani says:

    For great value brand brown rice long grain, 17 min. Is enough. Try this.
    But, I bought brown short grain rice from Asian market and it needs 45 min. In pressure cook mode.

  5. ChitoAmaru
    ChitoAmaru says:

    thanks for the chart and compilation. do you know how to make not so “sticky” rice (besides adding less liquid)? i’m trying to find how the release time factors into the formula :). thanks again.

  6. James Goacher
    James Goacher says:

    Not a fan of Rissoto because I don't like sloppy rice but the others looked good although I think I would sooner make the last one in a Wok or Frying Pan. Think I will try No-2, I'll put some beans onto soak. I am sure that chart you popped up is on your Web Site.
    Thank You.

  7. Lisa McNeill
    Lisa McNeill says:

    Love your channel, love your style and the information. When I tune in, I feel myself smile and relax. Thank you! Do you have ant thoughts on altitude adjustments? I set my Ultra to 7000 fr but it seems to make very little difference. Just wondering???


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