4 Easy & Healthy Meals for GERD

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if you suffer from acid reflux, gerd, gastritis, ibs, etc. and are looking for simple and healthy meals, then this video is for you!

18 replies
  1. Alonzo Barnes
    Alonzo Barnes says:

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  2. Lloyd Kevin Urbino
    Lloyd Kevin Urbino says:

    Thank you so much for this video! Just want to confirm if it's safe to add salt and pepper to our dishes for GERD? I read in other news articles that salt might trigger acid reflux( I have silent reflux in my case) so I"m avoiding adding salt as much as possible on my dishes. Anyways, thank you so much for this!

  3. Edgar G.
    Edgar G. says:

    Thank you so much I was crying in my house cus I thought I had a chronic illness went to the ER and my personal h doctor to make sure and they both said I had this and to eat more fiber and drink water

  4. B Hallmark
    B Hallmark says:

    I just found your channel and enjoyed watching all you had to share. It's good you have found things to eat that you can tolerate. I took proton pump inhibitors for 20 years, and because it caused me to have osteoporosis, I weaned myself off and now just take 1 famotidine (Pepcid) before dinner, along with watching what I eat. All fruit gives me issues, so I can only eat it at breakfast time. All root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, turnips, potatoes) give me reflux, so if I want to eat them, I do so at lunch time in moderation, never at dinner time. You have probably created a list in your head of all the guidelines you must stick to. I do the same. I'm 69 years young now and have been living with this since age 44. I've had every test in the book and tried to get the Nissen fundiplication operation, but my gastro dr tested me and said I was not a good candidate. Since I live within my guidelines, my reflux is pretty manageable. I think all acid reflux sufferers have their own unique lists of what they can and can't eat. Chicken bothers me a LOT. Sorry to write so much—but it's wonderful to find folks who understand.

  5. JuaNesia
    JuaNesia says:

    Hello from philippines. 😊 may i know the ingedients for the chicken salad. thank you!! 💛 i'll be preparing these meals for my husband, he's struggling gerd for almost 2 years. Thank you for this video, hoping for the same effect for my husband. 💛💛💛

  6. Nicky A
    Nicky A says:

    Very informative. Did you lose weight because of gastritis? I lost alot. Not sure if you consume red meat, but if you do, how did you know your stomach was ready to digest it again?

  7. Erik Roque
    Erik Roque says:

    Diet is the key fosure ,I took steroids and they made me get gastitis,the only symptoms I get is when I go a little while without eating ,that’s about it been suffering for 2 years I miss going out and drinking 😿


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