4 30 MINUTE LOW FODMAP RECIPES | What's for dinner? | Becky Excell

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Here’s what we ate this week… be careful of safe FODMAP portion sizes if you’re in the elimination phase! → VEGGIE CHILLI WITH HALLOUMI 1 block of …

35 replies
  1. marko vlaovic
    marko vlaovic says:

    Cheers for this, I been tryin to find out about "foods for ibs" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Mackorny Defeat IBS Blueprint – ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my work buddy got great results with it

  2. H M
    H M says:

    my partner has been suggested this diet, they are already vegetarian, and gluten free so glad I found some recipes that work for them.

  3. Tired Frog
    Tired Frog says:

    Thank you for this useful video! After years of chronic digestive issues, I’ve finally been diagnosed with PI IBS; a complication from contracting Giardia on a camping trip. There’s a lot of information on the internet about low FODMAP diets, but it’s hard to find easy, quick recipes. I appreciate these!

  4. Penny Noneman
    Penny Noneman says:

    This was a new glimmer of hope for me. We went vegan the traditional way for about six weeks and it about killed us. So with a husband who does hard physical labor all day, I just went back to good home cooking with meat, and eggs for breakfast. I couldn't connect low fodmap with vegan. I am happy to see that you are doing vegetarian so well but I really should not eat cheese. Part of the problem is that here in Ohio we have never had a curry in our life. Ethnic food is not a thing here. So it is hard to adopt everything new all at once.

  5. California_Grown_Carissa *
    California_Grown_Carissa * says:

    I’m lactose intolerant and I just was asked to go low FODMAP to see if it will help my diverticulitis possible second diagnosis of IBS . I’m so lost . I always assumed mozzarella was high lactose because it’s soft. Is that not the case ? I am scared to eat because I don’t know what to eat

  6. tori Ohno
    tori Ohno says:

    Sorry, but I get migraines without a minimum of 60 grams of protein daily. If I choose vegetable proteins I get sick. You understand that feeling. Veggies low in protein are the only ones I can have, and only in small amounts. I need meat and eggs to not be on the toilet with a splitting headache. I'm sorry, but I have to let you go.

  7. Lesley Culpin
    Lesley Culpin says:

    Hi Becky I have just been diagnosed with IBS and I am devastated the only trouble is that I have a disability of dyslexia so the information is not very good for me but your channel has helped me immensely with knowing what foods to cook so I will just wanted you you to know that I am grateful for your channel and it made my life a little bit easier thank you🤗🤗

  8. Moira Instance
    Moira Instance says:

    Thank you, I will be trying these also, you guys have seriously been my saviour.
    I went out yesterday what a nightmare, went into a cafe the only gluten free they had was bread so I ended up having 2 slices of toast whilst my friend had scones jam and cream, and they only toasted it on one side.. your dishes are fantastic.. Being new to this, I think I've learnt quicker from following you.. Thank you ❤

  9. Farnaz Seifi
    Farnaz Seifi says:

    I'm from Iran and Saffron is one of our main and traditional spices in many of our cuisines. This is not the proper way to use saffron. Saffron should be crushed in a small mortar and pestle, then just 1/8 of a teaspoon should brewed in a bit of hot water (About 2 or 3 tablespoons) with a closed lid for about 10 minutes. Then it is ready to use, it release all its wonderful aroma and with very little amount of the liquid, you can flavor a large pot of food and you can store the rest of brewed saffron in the fridge for a week and use it for various foods. Saffron has a very unique and strong aroma and flavor, but it MUST be crushed and brewed in hot water to release that wonderful aroma 🙂


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