31+ Smart Grocery Shopping Hacks That Will Save You Money

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Need tips on how to shop the grocery store? Save money, shop healthy, and find the best deals for you and your family with these …

18 replies
  1. S S
    S S says:

    Wow thanks so very much for such a powerful education. In Africa 90% of food are organic and cheap. Local ppl can not afford to buy from supermarket until the Chinese come out with this cheap cheap food and spice but still you can make every organic spice u want localy

  2. Momma red 6
    Momma red 6 says:

    In the discussion of labeling produce with where it is from, there is a federal law put out by the USDA called the COOL law which means your fresh produce, raw pecans, raw macadamia nuts, poultry, goat, rabbit, and all seafood must have the country of origin listed. And in the instance of poultry and seafood it must have how it is raised and harvested. If you come to a store anywhere in the USA that doesn’t have it, you can tell them by USDA law they are required to keep adequate records for the public consumer to see at any time. Just a little tid bit, hope it helps!

    Also if the product has been altered to have spices or processed to have it changed like mixed multiple vegetables in a bag- it doesn’t require the company to label the country of origin.

  3. HowmuchcanaKoalaBear?
    HowmuchcanaKoalaBear? says:

    Very informative 😍 I was wondering, could you do a video on healthy school lunches? I'm trying to move away from chips and prepacked granola bars and need some high fat, high protein ideas. Anything that doesn't have to be kept cool is a bonus.

  4. Kathleen Cheyney
    Kathleen Cheyney says:

    Please talk about the carb count..Even the oats and all wheat flour products are high in carbs… a person might not need all that carbs…especially diabetics don't need carbs..

  5. funhistory
    funhistory says:

    Wow! Those organic spice prices at 36:30 are 2-3x higher than what I pay at Trader Joe's & Grocery Outlet stores here in California (e.g., $1.99-$2.99 for cinnamon, oregano, paprika).

  6. funhistory
    funhistory says:

    Regarding sliced/shredded-cheese chemicals at 16:38, some organic cheese-makers use organic potato powder to prevent clumping (e.g., Rumiano's "Deli Fresh" brand). They're all-natural, & add only a trivial amount of carb-calories.

  7. Amazing Grace
    Amazing Grace says:

    Couple of observations, Annette:

    1. WRT to beef, 'Product of USA' does not mean the cattle were raised in the USA, it can simply mean they were processed in the USA.
    2. Today is the seventh day, therefore the Sabbath. Why are you working on this Holy day by uploading videos?


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