3 Ways to Thaw Food Safely

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We describe the three safe ways to thaw frozen food as prescribed by the USDA. RoseRed Homestead Book Store: …

23 replies
  1. @barbara31655
    @barbara31655 says:

    I sure missed the mark just this morning. I put some chicken on the counter and since I wasn't going to be home today, asked my husband to put it in the frig as soon as it got soft. I've been thawing that way for the majority of my cooking life (44 years) but that doesn't make it right. I'm still going to use my chicken but I sure won't be defrosting on the counter again anymore.

  2. @alpetterson9452
    @alpetterson9452 says:

    Very good advice. The only thing I'd mention is frozen pre-prepared soup that is frozen flat (as in this video) can certainly be defrosted in sunlight from a window. It'll take so short a time to defrost that bacteria won't have time to grow. (Personally I wouldn't even bother defrosting it by the window. I'd put it in a pan and put it straight on to cook.)

  3. @RosemaryJenks
    @RosemaryJenks says:

    I often put frozen meat in a bowl of cold water in the refrigerator. It thaws faster than just putting it in the fridge, but I don’t have to babysit it because it stays cold in the fridge.

  4. @MichiganderGirl
    @MichiganderGirl says:

    I don't usually freeze anything. If there's an outage, too much will spoil if I can't find someone to let me use their freezer. I did freeze some hamburger and took it out today to use and remembered seeing this video posted, so now I have a good reference for how to thaw it safely. Thanks for all your wonderful tips!

  5. @nancyweldon3922
    @nancyweldon3922 says:

    I have taken many food safety courses in my restaurant management career.
    I have tried to install food safety into my children and grandchildren.

    My Grandson put his plate in the microwave to eat later. He could not understand why he shouldnt do this.

    He has frequent stomach issues. I tried to explain it to him how he was making himself sick. Im hoping I got through to him. Hes 16 and knows everything!

  6. @melssimpledays3688
    @melssimpledays3688 says:

    Thank you for covering this topic. I work for the USDA as a Consumer Safety Inspector, and you would not believe how many times I have walked into a food production plant, and they have big quantities of food sitting out to defrost and don't realize the danger zone that bacteria thrive in.

  7. @tararead4670
    @tararead4670 says:

    I notice you use ziplocks to freeze your foods. Your soups look great. We struggle with freezer burn in a relatively short period of time if we don't use the food saver and even then we double bag a lot of our frozen foods if they aren't in a jar. Some freezer are obviously worse than others. Really great information! I freeze a lot of my prepared foods in jars. They can also get warm in the microwave on the bottom. I have found that slopping a folded cloth or folded paper towel under the jar helps this. It doesn't seem logical to take the time to thaw it outside the fridge and not use it right away. Thanks so much for the information here! ❤🌏

  8. @thegraymarlin
    @thegraymarlin says:

    Excellent video! I always left meat out on the counter to thaw, because my Mom and grandma did it that way 😊 but now that I work from home, I either thaw in the fridge or in water. The water method is faster which works for me! I use a large bowl with water so I’m not filling and draining the sink many times.

  9. @forliberty1805
    @forliberty1805 says:

    It's great that you can admit your mistakes and do so humbly. For me I learned about proper defrosting methods early on in my life and now am thankful I get meat from local farmers where it is packaged in a very thick plastic that I can choose to put in the fridge to defrost slowly or in cold water to defrost a little quicker.

  10. @LJones-uu4xy
    @LJones-uu4xy says:

    Thank you Pam and Jim for all your hard work in presentations, and encouraging an atmosphere for learning and exchange of ideas.
    I like freezing food as flat as possible also. It thaws much more quickly, and allows for much better use of space. Wadded packages shoved into corners could become very frustrating.
    I have a chest freezer, am using crates and file by category. It makes finding things so much easier.

  11. @shaza6547
    @shaza6547 says:

    Pressure canning in recycled jam jars!!!!! An Australian homestead FB site, she pressure canned frozen corn in these recycled jars, everyone is applauding her. I said I wouldn't risk it and been challenged, I just feel it's wrong but not sure on the science to present an argument 🙁

  12. @jaclynhaynes4131
    @jaclynhaynes4131 says:

    New canner question, is there a tested recipe for caramelized onions?
    I got a canner for Christmas and I'm still learning. I'm so glad that I found your channel before I started canning so that I can tell what is and isn't safe practices. Most of the caramelized onion recipes I have seen look not safe to me.

  13. @tizmehere492
    @tizmehere492 says:

    Over the years I have broken every rule. However in the past few years, I have made a point of being more cautious. I have told my now adult children how fortunate they are to have survived to adulthood in spite of their parents! 😂

  14. @donna1018
    @donna1018 says:

    Great video! I was happy to hear that it was safe to refreeze meat. I often thaw 1 pound hamburger, in the fridge then fry and then I put meat of 1/2 pounds in containers and freeze. It makes meal planning fast.

  15. @susanm9078
    @susanm9078 says:

    I always try to thaw in the refrigerator, that was what my mither always did. I think she got ill from food thawe 12:40 d on the counter. Small thin pieces of fish are the only things i do with cold water. I found I don't care for food cooked from frozen in the instant pot. I thought like Jim, once frozen and thawed, it could not be refrozen. Thank you for all this information.

  16. @seaflower1520
    @seaflower1520 says:

    Questions what are the proper temperature ranges for your refrigerator, freezer and deep freezer when the power goes out or when properly running machines? What are both minimum and maximum temperatures? What food can you keep and what needs to be tossed out if above the maximum temperature is reached in the refrigerator Ex butter, eggs, mayonnaise, jelly, ketchup , milk or fermented food, vegetables or fruits…. Vs freezer can you refreeze food if they have not thawed completely? What are the guide lines that USDA have on that? Thank you how to properly thaw your food and how soon to use them.

  17. @brendamillican8166
    @brendamillican8166 says:

    Thanks so much for making all this crystal clear! Like you, I have often thawed meat on my granite countertop…with no issues. But now I will be more mindful and try to plan ahead to thaw things in the refrigerator. One question…you mentioned that it was ok to cook frozen meat in the IP or pressure cooker. What about putting frozen meat into a crockpot to cook? I have heard opposing views on this, so have not done it. Thanks to both you and Jim for all your great videos and for the time you invest in teaching all of us.


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