3 Thai Street Food Dishes, 1 Rice Cooker | Marion’s Kitchen

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Thai street food dishes, made with love. And made in a rice cooker. Yep, you heard me. I’m using the one kitchen appliance to …

21 replies
  1. xSAKx
    xSAKx says:

    I'm interested in making the soup with egg noodles or rice noodles. Any recommendations for good brands sold in the US? I also prefer gluten-free. Thanks!

  2. ohwowoh
    ohwowoh says:

    This is a legit question here because I’m struggling between Eastern vs Western culture. This is no way an attack on Marion. My question is:

    In Asian culture it’s so culturally accepted parents/family will tell you you’re too skinny if you don’t eat enough (and it’s disrespectful if you reject their food) but also call you fat when they feed you too much. How many times has your family called you fat and how do you deal with it? I know it’s culturally acceptable to talk about weight but it does not make me feel good. I’ve told my parents how their words are rude and hurtful but they still criticize my size.

  3. Pong Trometer
    Pong Trometer says:

    YAAAAAAAY my first desert from your kitchen , and I have one mango left from four I bought this week ….I could devour this entire episode, keep up the great stuff . 🥟🍜🥭🥥🍚

  4. Claymore007
    Claymore007 says:

    I've never thought Pork buns was a popular Thai street food but knowing their history it makes sense. Thai food also has Chinese inspiration aswell. And omg that Chicken soup reminds me of Chicken Pho but yes they're both not the same of course lol. Yes gotta love that Mango sticky rice one of the best desserts ever!


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