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This week I am challenging myself to make 5 MEALS FOR $5! I am doing another EXTREME BUDGET grocery challenge! We will …

25 replies
  1. Jean
    Jean says:

    Those meals are great! I think you still had one egg left? If you didn’t boil that, you could do sunny side up and the yolk will act like a sauce over the ramen and it is really good that way too!

  2. SouthernFrugalMomma
    SouthernFrugalMomma says:

    If there is ever a time you go into Walmart, and don’t have something ring up wrong, something is up 😂 everything rings up more at the register now days. You did good! I’m blaming Walmart for that apple. Also, Breydon has requested that French Toast next grocery day. We love banana on toast, so that has gotta be 10X better!

    I had to edit this in… I just finished a video with the same basic egg Salad and veggies on the side! Girl we are on the same wave length! We gotta be soul sisters at this point lol!

  3. Shyla B
    Shyla B says:

    I love your videos Mandy! They are so inspiring and motivate me to think outside the box! I’ve been able to use a few of your meal ideas to cut our grocery budget some weeks which has been great.
    I’m curious what your thoughts are in suggesting people use the leftover condiments they receive from fast food restaurants to help flavor their meals? Certain restaurants will give you small to go containers of their seasoning salt as well (we ask for it in the side so we control how much is on our food), but for sure people could easily come by mayonnaise, butter, salt and pepper (I’m sure other condiments as well) like you used in the video for free. Just a thought to help people that may not have pantry staples on hand. 💗

  4. Donna Coleman
    Donna Coleman says:

    Hello I love all the meals you made the French bread toast with the caramelize bananas wow can't wait to try it….I also made a egg salad using French bread I added some relish in my egg salad it was so good..thank you for the $5.00 meals challenge

  5. Vro
    Vro says:

    Great job! For a change up on the ramen, you could mix a little water, brown sugar, garlic & onion powder, ginger if you have it for a little korean flavor.

  6. Done Dennison
    Done Dennison says:

    I'd get the ramen, beef is 26 cents here. I'd get a package of Buddig honey ham 80 cents. My fav way is microwaving covered with just 1/3 the flavor pack and some dried minced onion and just enough water to cover the ramen. 90 seconds, then I turn it over with a fork, rip the ham into bite sized pieces then cover and 90 seconds more. Comes out perfect every time. I'd get a cucumber 76 cents, roma tomato 29 cents, fresh kale 98 cents and a banana 23 cents. Rice 1 pound 76 cents and 6 eggs 86 cents. I only need a couple of slices of the ham for the ramen, the half the rest I would chop up with the kale and a couple of eggs and fry up the rice. Cucumbers and tomato are nice with just salt and vinegar if I have it. Ham and eggs scramble up nice. Banana's snack nice with any part. I'm sure I'd have tons left over kale, rice and cucumber for another day.

  7. Jerrie Anderson
    Jerrie Anderson says:

    What a great challenge! I would happily eat all three meals. Lesson learned- when you have an extra dollar or two buy pantry items, they are things you only need a little at a time so last a long time.

  8. Mary Cruse
    Mary Cruse says:

    I like your videos, good information. In all honesty if I only have 5.00 for the day my diet will not have fruit unless it's a banana…lol and my veggie would be a canned item and put most of my money on more filling foods. It's really tough to afford "fresh" fruits and veggies. My grocery budget is a strict 200.00 and that doesn't always consist of fresh produce. Luckily we do grow all of our salad fixings.


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