3 FULL Days of Eating Carnivore | Carnivore Diet Meals and Recipes | Carnivore Snacks

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Hey guys! Welcome to another one of my carnivore video! I show you THREE full days of eating Carnivore. Carnivore meals and …

31 replies
  1. Jey J
    Jey J says:

    I did this diet and felt awful. Did it for 4 mos, and my bloodwork came back worse than before. Went to my Internal Medicine doc and also to a Registered Dietician through the hospital I had tests at. Both told me that Carnivore & Keto is not for everyone. The dairy part of the diet was causing inflammation in my body, and my cholesterol levels were way up. My blood pressure was worse. I went & saw a cardiologist in a med center of 4 cardiologists, and they went over all testing that I had done. They put me on a diet of low fat, low carbs, low cholesterol, low sodium, no dairy, no red meat…….I could have chicken, fish, certain vegetables & fruits, no breads, no junk food, no processed foods. My inflammation went away, and all blood panels were back to normal. Blood pressure was normal, cholesterol levels were normal. So far, I've lost 46 lbs in 6 mos and I finally feel very healthy. Have gone down 4 sizes in pants. My advice: if you want to start Carnivore or Keto, ask your doctor for tests first, and then take it from there with your doctor. I regret doing it on my own. Should've gone to the doctor from the beginning, and learned what diet was right for ME.

  2. iis isnawati
    iis isnawati says:

    Im agree with you. I couldnt and i wouldnt do carnivore diet more than a week because i like veggies 😊. And honestly carnivore diet for me is not right to do for long periode

  3. Lynette Gayle-Turpin
    Lynette Gayle-Turpin says:

    Love you and just found you. I am going to do beef and butter 4 days a week and low carb on the other 3 days. I have gone from 209 to 163…my goal weight is 135 I just decided to do this because I have been stalled for a month. So I went to youtube to find someone similar to what I want to do…..Thank Stephy

  4. Melanie Espinoza
    Melanie Espinoza says:

    Thanks for sharing your ideas. It’s all so confusing to me. Nothing is very straightforward. Some people say carnivore is only the protein. No seasonings- no cheese or mayo. Just the meat. Some add extras which is just keto, not necessarily carnivore but I’m trying so hard to navigate all the information. I know everyone does it in whatever way works for them but there’s got to be actual guidelines for what real straightforward carnivore is, right? I’m always searching and always learning. A Chaffle sounds amazing right now. I think you just decided dinner for me ❤️❤️
    Thanks for bringing us along on your journey.

    PHREAKY ZEKE says:

    Your crediting an unbalanced carnivore diet with your weight loss when in reality, your body is making a fraction of the insulin it used to have to manufacture as a result of the cakes candy sugary drinks you used to gorge yourself on daily

    PHREAKY ZEKE says:

    Idk What your eating but it isnt carnivore. Jimmy dean sausage is processed doodoo. If your eating anything with a nutritional label you may wanna go back to the drawing board. Sugar isnt on tue menu. All those spices= not on menu. Processed keilbasa isnt on the menu either. Canned and just Tuna in general is terrible for you not sure why youtube suggested this video. But mayonaise isnt on the menu either. And cheap rancid olive oil belongs in the trash bin

  7. deborah thompson
    deborah thompson says:

    I fast every day, n most days I do one meal, but I have lost anything in over 3months
    I walk everyday, n do work in the yard, etc, very active. Any advice I would appreciated it
    Thank you

  8. itsjarednaz
    itsjarednaz says:

    Hi, Stephy. How do you manange your cravings for sweets on carnivore/keto? This has always been my problem. They say the cravings go away when you are in ketosis, but I still find the sweets part challenging. Love your content and so inspired by you!

  9. mainelydeb
    mainelydeb says:

    Yum. Everything looked so good. Of course I’m hungry and ready for dinner haha. I have never done carnivore. I don’t know why either. Haha maybe some day. Great video. ❤️

  10. Ron’s Keto Café
    Ron’s Keto Café says:

    Another fun video my friend! I loved your Chaffle video they were delicious when I made them this week. I'm a simple person I been filming what I eat for this week. You inspired me not to weigh in in the month of June this would be a first for me. Wish me luck! I noticed my clothes are fitting loose….We will see the goal is to get under 200 or onderland!

  11. Luzii Luiz th.
    Luzii Luiz th. says:

    Awesome awesome video sharing as always dear ❤️..
    This is great 👌👌👌
    I absolutely love it ❤️
    Really enjoyed
    You are amazing as always..
    Thanks for sharing this with us ❤️ giving another a big Big like thumbs up 👍👍👍
    See you again on next video 📷❤️
    Luiz here again 🤗🎸
    Keep intouch 👍❤️


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