3 Easy Vegan Sweet Potato Recipes

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These 3 easy vegan sweet potato recipes have just 4 ingredients each! We’re talking Garlic Rosemary Sweet Potato Wedges, …

20 replies
  1. @epitoky
    @epitoky says:

    Thank you so so so much!! I got overzealous and started just cutting up a bunch of sweet potatoes thinking I was going to do something with them and then I got too hungry and didn’t know what to do with ANY of them… None of them were peeled and all the recipes I found online are for peeled potatoes—and then I came to yours…! I actually just made all three of these recipes! Just popped THEM ALLLLLL in the oven, HA! I just used all the potatoes that I had already cut with peels on them and instead of mashing any for your last recipe—instead, I’m just baking them with the coconut milk and ginger, cinnamon, vanilla and a little maple syrup. Clearly I’m over-hungry, HA! Yeah, well, Fingers crossed they come out awesome and dreamy just the same! I really love this video and I can’t wait to eat them all! I’m cooking for my Mom and I tonight so this will be fun to taste test them all!

  2. @yobaby7780
    @yobaby7780 says:

    I prefer the walnuts ,although I crushed them /crumble into my dish instead ok.
    Could not have made this recipe had I not watched your video first .
    Im just saying I had to crush the nuts for obvious reasons to my family too ok 👍🏼 thanks we love it.


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