3 Easy Cheesy Keto Recipes to Make with Your Air Fryer and Waffle Iron!

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GET MY E-COOKBOOK HERE: https://bobbyboyd.ck.page/67eb055558 I can’t believe we’re only a week into the new year.

22 replies
  1. Alexis Peffer
    Alexis Peffer says:

    So entertained by your humor and cooking skills. I want to try all 3 recipes. Oh, btw I entertained a crowd here in PA for Christmas Eve and everyone loved your Kris Kringle Peppermint Martinis. 🙂

  2. Stephanie Wing
    Stephanie Wing says:

    Happy New Year to you Bobby, really enjoyed learning a new way to cook. I am a little afraid to get an air fryer, but now I am not. It looked easy to use and I know it will be healthier. Not a fan of the pepper popper, but loved the other two for sure. What was the last dip? The white one in front of that amazing pizza that I am surely going to make? I love dips especially cream cheese and sour cream, so was wondering if that might be ranch dressing? I love when Josh stops by and that adorable woman trying the pizza. Thanks for another wonderful and fun episode…I cannot wait to try some of these and to save up for an air fryer.

  3. Aleta Harris-Jones
    Aleta Harris-Jones says:

    Happy New Year Bobby! Thanks for the new recipes. Gotta love an Air Fryer. Best invention for the kitchen in years !! Just upgraded to a newer, larger model this fall. So much you can do with this machine. I'll be on the lookout for some new inspiration from Bobby Boyd Living 😊

  4. LottaTroublemaker
    LottaTroublemaker says:

    Thanks for great videos! You’re a natural for this, Bobby! Love seeing your hubby pop in too, he’s a long time MDL fave of mine, his relationship to his grandma melted my heart… But back to this: I loooove my airfryer! I love kitchen gadgets that makes life easier! I’m no low carb person though, so I have a new year’s prezzie on the way for myself, a pasta machine. Can’t wait to experiment with different pasta varieties! I’m excited about it like a kid waiting for their holiday presents… 🤗☺️ It would have been fun watching you experiment with one too! How about keto friendly pasta dishes? All sorts of alternative pasta with less carbs… I bet many would love that! I actually got a new, but old model, one. Hadn’t I stumbled upon that one, I think I would have gone for the Philips one. Seems like a great machine and it can make even more types of pasta than the one I went for. Looks like so much fun! 👏👏👏🤗😋


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