3 Easy Beef Freezer Meals for Instant Pot or Slow Cooker

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Come and cook with me as I make three delicious slow cooker or instant pot dump and go freezer meals. I make beef stroganoff, …

17 replies
  1. Irene O'brien
    Irene O'brien says:

    I love you freeze meals I follow freeze meals 100 on YouTube I think you would like them the two ladies are in Canada my daughter lives in Canada that were I found there Chanel when I was cook for my daughter family when I was staying there xx

  2. watermelon
    watermelon says:

    I'm also Hungarian, born and raised.
    Your goulash looks v good, especially with the creme fraiche. The wine and the caraway seeds make it yummy!
    Just for information: in Hungary we don't call goulash "goulash". The word gulyás is used for gulyás SOUP only, which is quite watery, root vegetables are added as well as potatoes and freshly made noodles. So if you ever go to Hungary and want goulash in a restaurant, you need to ask for "paprikás" (or "pörkölt"). We also make paprikás from pork, chicken, even from mushrooms. I always add caraway seeds and creme fraiche to beef goulash, and wine if we have some.
    To answer your question below: you can use any kind of beef, it is, after all, originally a countryside dish, and everyone makes it with whatever meat they happen to have. But it is tastier with some fatty parts in it, and everything tastes better if there is some bone cooked around it!

  3. Hazel O'Dea
    Hazel O'Dea says:

    I love stroganoff and goulash but never make them. – added to the mental meal plan. Oddly I use my slow cooker more when it’s warmer as I don’t want to be near the cooker, but equally salad isn’t going to cut it for dinner too often round here

  4. lez_ctid
    lez_ctid says:

    Love how you double ure ingredients one for the pot one for the freezer simple but great udea … i must be simple didnt think of that 😂 I love to pressure cook peeled chopped potatoes in a basket in the instant pot 8 min high 1 pint of water …then put through a ricer salt butter and milk added makes very smooth mash as no water logging…love ure channel admire ure hard work plus 2 young kids 👍👍

  5. Carol King
    Carol King says:

    I like your well oiled systems, brings a blue peter well prepared vibe Actually thought of you as I happened upon a recipe for Frikadellan in our weekend magazine. It looks really straight forward, but I've no idea if its one of those things that is better homemade or just has to come from a packet.

  6. Traceys Allotment
    Traceys Allotment says:

    I’ve stroganoff might make it this week !! Love the meal ideas xx
    Just a tip on the purée if you put it in the bag first when you tip it out it should be on top? That’s the idea but not sure if it will work xx


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