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Usually the burgers and hot dogs get all the attention at a backyard barbecue, but what about the side dishes for your barbecue …

34 replies
  1. K H
    K H says:

    Nice looking recipes brother! I'm a huge fan of potato salads. Yours looks great. I like the idea of cheese for a loaded salad. Nice shredded potato technique too. I've been making Japanese style potato salad lately. It's your basic tater salad with hard boiled eggs and a couple of tweaks. It uses Kewpie mayo. I go 50/50 kewpie and best foods (Hellmann's). Also it has julienned ham and julienned red and green apples. Also lots of onion. Every time I eat it, it helps me remember my mom and all her foods she instilled in us. Miss you mom… Another great video Neal. You guys are killing it and I'm so glad to see it

  2. Ronald Bonnette
    Ronald Bonnette says:

    All of these look great. I’m not sold on the carrots in potato salad and where were the onions? I’ve never seen a potato salad with out onions. I saw the garnish of what appear to be scallions/green onions but that’s a little light for my tastes. That spinach looks righteous!!! Very rich, but righteous.

  3. Roofintrash
    Roofintrash says:

    They all look great, but that spinach would be the end of me. Set that pan in front of me with a bag of scoops and I'd prolly need another bag!
    Happy 4th to you and the whole family.

  4. Roy Ordway
    Roy Ordway says:

    Hey Neal and Amy, all of the stuff you put together today looks great. I may try the spinach and cheese sometime.
    Story time and this isn't aimed at you or any of the others who do such a wonderful and time-consuming job putting out videos.
    I get such a kick out of people who associate a dish with a holiday like that is the only day of the year that the food cops allow it to be prepared. I think the one that sticks in my mind the most id macaroni and cheese that people have on Thanksgiving. I chuckle when a commenter says they are going to make a dish on the next specific holiday. The way their comments come through and register in my pea brain is Thanksgiving is the only day they can have macaroni and cheese. Maybe they could make it this weekend. I hope they have it on February 12th or April 27yth too.
    My ex-wife was and still is a great cook and we always had macaroni or potato salad in the fridge year-round like we always had milk in there too. We also may eat beef stew in August.
    I also believe that white shoes can be worn before Memorial Day and after Labor Day.
    I hope there are others out there who feel the same way I do on this subject. I also understand traditions too. I know people who put out certain dishes on certain holidays because their mother or grandmother did it that way even though no one likes or eats it now, I brings back old memories of their mother or grandmother.
    I look forward to many more of your videos.

  5. Erica Randall
    Erica Randall says:

    Nah, these aren’t sides, that’s the meal! Who needs meat with those dishes?! They all look delicious! I can almost smell the beans from California! Happy 4th!! 🇺🇸

  6. Gramps Ramblings
    Gramps Ramblings says:

    Happy Birthday America! I’ll be doing the ole midwestern bbq standard, pork steaks with a twist cooking them on the Blackstone. Side more than likely be potato salad & baked beans. No smoker so I can’t do Auntie’s baked beans. Everybody have a safe & happy 4th


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