2kk Weekly Livestream June 30th | Answering your Keto/Carnivore questions

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21 replies
  1. carnivore grammy
    carnivore grammy says:

    I got the sweet chili sauce after seeing ur video. ohhhh myyyy its good! I mixed it with sour cream and dipped my pork rinds, also used in an egglife wrap egg and bacon and sausage burrito.

  2. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    I had to laugh at the "butt crack of dawn" as I've been saying that forever. My sister told me right out she was going to try keto again. With the caveat that she would not give up sugar in her coffee as well as her sweet French vanilla creamer, she goes through a gallon a week!! I had to throw my hands up at that. She is type 2, A1C is 10, her husband is now the same because at his last doctors appointment he was also diagnosed after being pre-diabetic for a couple years, their daughters are morbidly obese, pre-diabetic, and both are diagnosed with PCOS, I am so upset. She had tried for years to have those girls of hers, got gestational diabetes with the oldest (now 20) and had high risk pregnancies. She is my twin sister, she knows I was never able to have children due to PCOS which was diagnosed later. I am going to continue to gently promote at the very least, low carb. I have to, my nieces need to get a handle on their weight and health, 20 and 15 years old, now and not wait until they are 50 and past the age for having healthy babies and safe pregnancies. Who knows what could have happened if I had known about keto 2 decades ago? I am trying to eliminate my own would haves and could haves, we can't go back. But if I can help prevent regrets in my loved one's lives I am going to try.

  3. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    I regret having missed the livestream event. I was busy doing some light research regarding a hypothesis I have regarding one possible fundamental reason as to why many members of both the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomer cohort were both so late at beginning a KETO journeys In one word: Popeye. Beginning in 1929, the creators and publishers of the comic strip and the cartoons began a campaign of what perhaps can be referred to as pro-vegan "Popeye-ganda." part of the popular culture zeitgeist for decades. Popeye of course claimed he was "strong to the finich 'cause I eats me Spinach." As a result, countless parents encouraged their children for decades to "eat your vegetables so you'll be strong like Popeye." Remember also that it was common for kids to watch Popeye cartoons between arriving home from school and sitting down to dinner. Talk about timing. To counterbalance things somewhat, of course, the character Wimpy was something of a carnivore with his preference for hamburgers he couldn't pay for. . One cultural milestone which pushed back against this trend was when President Herbert Walker Bush, certainly an proudly told the world that he simply didn't like eating broccoli.

  4. Lynne Pollack
    Lynne Pollack says:

    I was just like that lady till my A1C went to 8 and the doctor was going to increase my diabetes meds. That scared me more. Been my keto for a little over a year. Down about 25 lbs. but most important my A1C is now 6.3 and dropping. I also have a Heart Calcium score, just done. It is ZERO!!! My journey continues to keep lowering my A1C, get rid of the rest of my medications and continue to drop weight.

  5. stephanieandjoshy
    stephanieandjoshy says:

    A friend has seen my success with keto and intermittent fasting. We were on a group vacation and I overheard her talking about intermittent fasting with her sister and I was jumping for joy inside. Excited to see her see the benefits. 😁

  6. Stephanie Lin
    Stephanie Lin says:

    Pro tip: Raspberry Cheesecake Keto Chow, use cream cheese as your fat and use your emulsion blender to mix in. Add 2 tsps sweetener, if you like. Heaven. I also use peanut butter as the fat in the peanut butter chocolate shake. I'm new here, so if you already do this. Yum 😋

  7. Stephanie Lin
    Stephanie Lin says:

    I'm w Rachel, I love the fat on steak. Always have. Growing up, I called it the skinny 😃 and thats all I wanted. With ketchup. It was the 60s so steak was cheap. Heck, life was cheaper.

  8. Visual Keto
    Visual Keto says:

    Happy for the rewatch ability because while this was LIVE, I was living my best life at Texas Roadhouse having a 16 oz ribeye and loaded broccoli! I know their salad dressing prob isn’t the best but mannn is that Italian yummy. All to celebrate making my sales goal at work!! Oh and the shrimp appetizer…. Took the other half along so he could eat the carby things! He is good for something lol, at least I got him to listen to Dr Berry and Chris on Tuesday… slow progress!

  9. Jamie Woytasik
    Jamie Woytasik says:

    I completely agree about adding the raspberry cheesecake Keto Chow to coffee. It doesn't take much either. I use less than a 1/4 scoop, maybe closer to an 1/8. I would love to see Keto Chow make a Snickers flavor. Mixing the salted caramel with the chocolate peanut butter may be close. As far as the fly goes, watch Man versus Bee. It is on Netflix and is pretty hilarious. Is grape worse than the vanilla? The vanilla is the worst of the flavors I have tried.

  10. Melynda Osborne
    Melynda Osborne says:

    I missed the live. Joe have you tried mixing cinnamon and some sweetener in with the pork rinds for the crust?
    If you can have nuts crushed pecans , cinnamon , low carb sweetener, butter, makes a great crust.


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