26 Things to NEVER DO with your Instant Pot! – Instant Pot Tips for Beginners

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Hey everyone! It’s Lisa Childs, back this week with 26 Instant Pot DONT’S! ‍♀️Don’t do these things with your new Instant Pot for best results. I don’t want …

50 replies
  1. Mr. R
    Mr. R says:

    If you get the right extension cord, it should work. Length and gauge can cause voltage drop, which might be what is being experienced. I haven't experimented with my Instant Pot and different extension cords, so I can't say for certain. If you have an outlet close enough to where you are using ANY device, that is the better option. Some houses have a lack of convenient outlets(especially older homes) and you might need to reach a little past the manufacturer's cord length to plug some things in. If so, some cords are more appropriate than others.

  2. David
    David says:

    I would recommend using a shotgun microphone right above your head for better audio quality. Since you're standing in the same place, it's probably really easy to rig with a cheap boom stand. It will give your voice a lot more 'body' and you will lose the echo in the audio.

  3. WOODBARK100
    WOODBARK100 says:

    Just my 2 cents worth:- Many cooks have a habit of tapping their spoon on the top edge/surface of the pot after stirring – Do not tap your spoon on the top edge of your inner pot > It is the surface that the sealing ring seats on to seal in the steam, any dents or cuts on this top surface could cause un-wanted loss of pressure and your pot will malfunction.

  4. EssentialSoap
    EssentialSoap says:

    I am not going to sit there for 3 hours and wait for the pressure to reduce naturally in my instapot because I made soup. I just throw a kitchen towel over the top and let out the moist steam

  5. Mr Marine
    Mr Marine says:

    you should do the videos the way you like too, not the way cry babies would have you do them. i havnt watched other videos you have done yet so i dont know about the music issue. all i can say is i liked this, even though it was all common sense. yeah i understand a lot of folks dont have any. ; D – oh and she said fricking. if i was drinking milk it would have been all over my monitor.

  6. Dlgeis
    Dlgeis says:

    The reason you are having problems with extension cords is you are not using an appropriate size/diameter cord. If the cord is undersized there is too much resistance in the extension cord and there is less amperage available to the pot. Under rated cords also overheat and can cause a fire.

  7. bigfredo2987
    bigfredo2987 says:

    I think the way you made your list doesn’t make sense. There should be more urgency in the safety aspects rather than how to carry it and how to store with the lid upside down. You spent more time on showing how to store the top upside down instead of making sure that people don’t destroy any body part with releasing pressure.

  8. Catspaw
    Catspaw says:

    Thanks so much had no idea keeping the lid on traps the smell I used my pot for the first time a few weeks ago & after I cleaned the lid I put it back on right side up now I will put it back upside down & take the rubber out of it when not in use.

  9. Silver Wings
    Silver Wings says:

    I was glad to watch this video. Now I know the instant pot isn't for me. I didn't know anything about it. And with my adhd, I would be too prone to these mistakes. Plus it doesn't sound like the right kind of cooking for me. Great to find out.

  10. Rosemarie Kury
    Rosemarie Kury says:

    I haven’t used mine much but did bake a cheesecake in it and turned out well. Your tips are great. I also live in the Salt Lake area, so do we need to increase cooking time because of the high altitude?

  11. D Wood
    D Wood says:

    Wish I watched this before making my oatmeal with milk in the instant pot! That was a mess but did manage to salvage the oatmeal! Thank you for the great video.

  12. Gail Remp
    Gail Remp says:

    I didn't really have much interest in an Insta pot. It's not the type of cooking that I do just for one person. But your tips are really interesting and it has convinced me that I still do not want an Insta pot. So this was really fascinating and some real good safety tips. And I thank you for what I suspected was the reason I was running to the store to buy one of these things.

  13. Kim Thomas
    Kim Thomas says:

    Lordd I accidentally quick released a BURN message pot of steel cut oats. What an absolute sticky starchy mess. lol. My Ultra insists on BURN message every time I make oats in it. So it's back on the stovetop. I store my sealing rings in the freezer. It keeps the odors at bay. My Ultra 60 automatically seals on its own… so that part I don't have to worry about.


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