21st Century Farm Wife ~ Staying Healthy ~ BACK TO BASICS LIFESTYLE ~ Stocking Up!

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Welcome! Thanks so much for joining us today! In today’s video, we bring you along for our day complete with all the food things …

23 replies
  1. Nelia Johnson
    Nelia Johnson says:

    I have a daughter that HATES bananas too! She loved them as a little girl, but sometime around age 8 she developed a hatred for them. She doesn’t want to look at them, smell them, or have anything to do with them. It can be quite comical seeing her reactions at times.😄

  2. Christine's Homemaking Journey
    Christine's Homemaking Journey says:

    Hi Texas Family- Your garden is Amazing!! Love it. I am keeping an eye out for an affordable dryer for you guys too, although I know you are trying your hands at the off-grid thing. I Love sweet potatoes, me and my daughters favorite. The LORD is SOOOO GOOD!

  3. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Where did you get the clothes drying rack? I have been hanging clothes inside and saving over $35 a month not running a dryer and I love hanging clothes outside but we have had a lot of rain

  4. Dads Mimi
    Dads Mimi says:

    I am an everyday smoothie maker as well and was wondering if you have thought about a hand powered blender in case the electricity goes out. Thanks for sharing your recipe! I take all the greens and leaves from my garden plants and dehydrate them for use during the winter. I was surprised how many leaves have nutritional value and are eatable.

  5. Cindy Ricksgers
    Cindy Ricksgers says:

    My garden is so far behind it makes me nervous. Lol . Here in the Pacific Northwest spring came so late, and we've been busy with full time work outside the ranch. I try not to get jealous but just be grateful to the Lord for all He has done for us. God bless you Texas family!!


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