$218 vs $17 Cupcakes: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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Professional baker Bill Clark and home cook Emily are swapping ingredients and hitting the kitchen to take on each other’s …

37 replies
  1. Ruweida Sheikh
    Ruweida Sheikh says:

    She was so afraid of his reaction to the point she was looking at his reaction instead of the cupcake he made *like she knew he will do a excellent job *,but it's really admirable how she did a great job making a new thing for the first time😂😂🥰 love this episode

  2. Chilly Dippers
    Chilly Dippers says:

    Everytime I see one of these I keep thinking that the Chef's recipe is deliberately inflated. Seriously $218 cupcakes? I don't care if you've gilded them with gold foil there's no way cupcake ingredients ACTUALLY cost that much for the recipe.

  3. Bradley Keeney
    Bradley Keeney says:

    Okay, I don't know how much gold leaf they bought, but you can get 30 sheets for $13 online. $85 means either they got ripped off or they are lying to inflate the total. Either that or they want to maintain the lie that edible gold is expensive so chefs can continue to scam people with more money than sense.

  4. nicthommi
    nicthommi says:

    I used to wonder why the amateurs got simpler tools and watching Emily not knowing to lock the mixer is why they often get a fork or whisk when the other chefs get a Kitchenaid.


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