20 of the BEST SOUPS To Make In The Instant Pot!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

If you need more soup ideas, here are 100 of our FAVORITE Instant Pot Soups: https://www.sixsistersstuff.com/100-of-the-best-instant-pot-soup-recipes/

25 replies
  1. Unicornmomof1
    Unicornmomof1 says:

    Love the ideas. Thanks. Unrelated can anyone tell me if it's wrong to ask for a helping hand, I'm currently going thru chemo and am struggling. My family has all but stopped talking to me and my now ex divorced me as I can't contribute like I have always been able to. I've been a domestic goddess for several years. I would work outside the home if I could but the cancer is preventing it. I don't want to be rude I just don't know if it's okay to ask for help. Thanks

  2. Lucinda Jackson
    Lucinda Jackson says:

    FYI If you’re not looking up the recipes and going by what’s on video, the Chili also requires a pkt of chili seasoning. I watched the video and thought “Where are the seasonings that make it Chili?” When I looked at the recipe, I saw it uses a packet.


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