2 Ingredient Keto Yogurt | Low Carb Vanilla Yogurt

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Keto Meal Planner: https://bit.ly/36nrmXI 2 Ingredient Keto Yogurt | Low Carb Vanilla Yogurt **Recipe** http://bit.ly/2wj4jeC 100 Billion Probiotic: …

48 replies
  1. Milagros M
    Milagros M says:

    What’s the carb count for a cup of this yogurt? A cup of the coconut cream is 11g and you mentioned that it was 0 carbs which I don’t understand how it got from 11g to 0g.

  2. Scott Nevil
    Scott Nevil says:

    Facebook market place….. I got 2 yogurt makers for $5! HEB makes a nice Stevia/Erythritol packet that adds a nice sweeten! Also mix it up with baking flavoring extract! Banana & Rum extract makes an amazing taste!!!!!

  3. surfzombie2
    surfzombie2 says:

    Why not just make whole milk dairy yogurt in an instant pot or yogurt? I cup of whole milk yogurt is only 8 grams carbs then add your flavors. less expensive and taste better.

  4. TobyMcfarland
    TobyMcfarland says:

    I dont buy anything from Amazon…probiotics from Walgreens works great, providing you use the proper “ strength” of probiotic. I use two 30 mg capsules for two cans of Thai Coconut Milk.

  5. Julia Leitgeb
    Julia Leitgeb says:

    Oh wow! That sounds very interesting! i love yogurt and also like coconut flavor, i will try this out!
    I allready saw coconut based yogurt at the supermarkets here in Europe, but they are so damn expensive! Its about € 2,50,- for 150 grams of coconut based yogurt!!! A plain milk (dairy) based yogurt costs about € 0,80,- for 500 grams! So, thats a huuuge difference for the budget.
    But now i know how to make it by my own 🤗😋👍 THANKS SO MUCH !!! 💞
    … and greets & love from Austria, Europe 👋💞🤗

  6. phoenix7yx
    phoenix7yx says:

    Excuse my ignorance but can someone help explain ..what he means by using the yogurt with the probiotic for making new batches ? I’m a little confused ..in that case do I just make the “yogurt” batch by using the coconut cream only and adding the 3 tbsp of the probiotic yogurt and it’ll be done ?


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