2 Fruits To Fight Cancer | Natural Cancer-Fighting Fruit To Eat Today!

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You need to eat these 2 fruits to fight cancer! Learn to make a cancer fighting juice! This immune boosting drink uses the peels of …

46 replies
  1. Matty Marcia
    Matty Marcia says:

    Podría tener la explicación de los productos que sirven para combatir el cancer. Las toronjas y los limones orgánicos para hacer el té que combate el cancer. Yo estoy padeciendo de cáncer en el pulmón y me urge un medicamento y una dieta que me ayude, pero lo necesito en español. Gracias Dios los bendiga

  2. Lee Robs
    Lee Robs says:

    Hi from South Africa 🇿🇦 thank you so much, I made this but have found it dries my sinuses very much and this giving me bad headaches. I don't have cancer, I used it for the quinine benefits to ward off the flu. Would it be viable to reduce the daily amount or maybe every second day? I don't want to miss out on the wonderful benefits but it has caused me to get bad headaches 😞
    I would appreciate your insight.
    Have a great day. God bless

  3. Elizabeth Thomas
    Elizabeth Thomas says:

    I accidently came across this video. I thank God. My husband has been diagonised with liver cancer. The chemo treatment is not working. The doctor suggests liver transplant. We have decided to pray and wait for a miracle to happen. Please suggest the herbal medicines for my husband.

  4. synchronicity676
    synchronicity676 says:

    Just made it (for my mother) but used only 2 oranges n 2 lemons skin n kept 2 hrs.. it's hardly half a glass remaining so I guess I kept too long or shld have added more water..
    Can I do d process on the used/ boiled peels again? It will be diluted but just thought I'll have it myself ☺

  5. Ana Hilson
    Ana Hilson says:

    All thanks to Dr.Ayomede who helped me with his great herbal supplement in eradicating my Pcos and Cancer permanently I will forever be grateful to you

  6. chasnu72
    chasnu72 says:

    What you are making is called Hydroxychloroquine,, taken for too ling or too much at once can kill not only viruses but also YOU. I speak from experience learn dosage before venturing this direction this is a chemical compound called coquine, it is also in the family of oxytose “i belive thats how its spelled” is responsible for inner ear damage so again please research and dose correctly.

  7. Emaediong Unanam
    Emaediong Unanam says:

    Although the world wouldn't believe in Herb's, I will because Dr. Ogie has shown me the power of which these herbs contain , It got rid of my 7 years cancer, what else can I say than thank you Dr…

  8. Emaediong Unanam
    Emaediong Unanam says:

    Although the world wouldn't believe in Herb's, I will because Dr. Ogie has shown me the power of which these herbs contain , It got rid of my 7 years cancer, what else can I say than thank you Dr…

  9. Denise McDonald
    Denise McDonald says:

    Hi, I found you today as I as was scrolling and looking for something healthy to do.

    My fight has been bone marrow cancer, multiple myeloma. I was diagnosed in February 2013 and I can proudly say that I have never done chemotherapy nor radiation treatment, I have worked hard at staying away from pain meds due to, I like feeling grounded even though I suffer with pain.

    I am excited to get started on this and I will respond with new blood work results in 6 months.

    I thank you for the time you have taken out to teach us this and if you will remember me in your prayers, I will be so 🙏 grateful.

  10. L Caster
    L Caster says:

    I firmly believe there is power in natural food. Example, my dog was at deaths door with heart worms and was told by the vet she needed surgery with a 50/50 chance of survival and over 3,000 dollar bill. I searched for a natural remedy and the number one item that came up was pumpkin seed oil. I gave her a couple of tablespoons for two days and she literally jumped up like a puppy. She did not die of heartworms. I looked up how it did that. The pumpkin seed oil does not target the worm itself but changes the PH level in the body to make it uninhabitable to the worms. It works on all worms. See how God provides?

  11. Dirck Smith
    Dirck Smith says:

    Hello I was wondering if I could freeze it in ice cube trays and when I use it just get one out and let it thaw out then drink it? thanks for any information have a great day 😁👍

  12. Cool Roy
    Cool Roy says:

    Take Lutein supplements and you will be amazed at how great your eyes feel and how much of your chronic inflammation goes away .
    No I don't have anything to gain fromthis except trying to help others feel better.


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