2/7/23 Live Q&A/ Shooting the shite

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Catching up with yous guys.

34 replies
  1. Evergreen 🌲
    Evergreen 🌲 says:

    Guys, we NEED to come together to figure out a way to get Meowman a much higher annual income. It’s criminal that a man with his intelligence, talent and moral compass only makes $30-$35k.

    Financial Wizard Maniacs; please throw in your 2 cents

  2. Youknowmyflava
    Youknowmyflava says:

    Sorry for your loss Andrew. I am also sorry you got tricked again by these women. Ive also lost faith in finding someone appropriate. I am much younger than you but I just can't see any light in the tunnel. If I was your age I would adopt some young kid and take care of it. No need to have a woman around. A kid would give you purpose. And when judgement day comes this will be in your favour. Women these days just make me want to vomit. I live in eastern Europe and it's the same here. Modern women live for pleasure and my mother's generation is probably the last that did what they were supposed to. No matter where you are they are all the same unfortunately. Social media has poisoned their minds. Also pornography. They are looking at it at alarming rates

  3. Big Lenny
    Big Lenny says:

    Hello Andrew, my old friend.

    I see you succumbed to your porn addiction, with your previous girlfriend as well as on your viewing device. I am disgusted by this behaviour.

    Come see me in Delray and we can get our freak on like we used to.

    – Big Lenny

    (in all seriousness, you're one of the best misfits. Your mom is proud of you, of that I am certain. Keep strong, keep faith and trust me, there is a girl out there for you. You just need to know where to look. After 33 years I met my wife and we are expecting our first child in April, my life could not be more complete. All the best and God bless!)

  4. Rando Alt
    Rando Alt says:

    Andrew Tate is pure cringe, and the mainstream conservative fascination with him stems from Jewish influence promoting him because he's nihilistic and mixed race. He's not consciously part of a psy op, he's not intelligent enough for that, but he is in a metapolitical sense part of a psy op. If any of your friends respect or god forbid admire Tate, you need to educate or drop them if they aren't close friends. Obviously I'm speaking to fellow white brothers only here. The rest of you I don't really care what you do tbh. If you want men to admire, look into the dissident right/former alt right. Plenty of public figures there worthy of admiration.

  5. Rando Alt
    Rando Alt says:

    Sorry for your loss, Meowman. I hope you know that anonymous people you'll never meet or interact can feel your strength and genuine decency from afar, and use it as inspiration to be better ourselves in our own lives. Obviously, your mom is the source of that chain.


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