1Lb Stew Beef 2 Meals! My Final InstantPot Review

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

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38 replies
  1. Val Secrease
    Val Secrease says:

    I am with you on this! I used my instapot ONE time…I could do everything in my dutch oven with ONE pot AND, I personally prefer to let things simmer for hours and let the wonderful smell waft through the house! Good use of the crockpot for the second meal tho!

  2. shiva kat
    shiva kat says:

    I love mine…trial and error but once you get the hang of it you will love it. It saves me money right now not using my gas stove. I relied on it many long days after work.

  3. VoodooKitchenMama
    VoodooKitchenMama says:

    Everyone says they are great, but I have a tiny kitchen, so shelf and cabinet space are valuable. I just don't see the need for an instapot. It sort of seems like one of those "gear of the year" things everyone buys, then puts away. Thanks for your reviews on it. I won't be out buying one.

  4. Carol Reed
    Carol Reed says:

    We eat a lot of beans. The Instant Pot has been a tremendous time saver for us. I'm sure it saves energy too. I haven't used it for eggs or cakes but I will try that soon. You can also use your Instant Pot just like your crockpot. Don't give up on it. I always enjoy your recipes.

  5. Lauren Piantino
    Lauren Piantino says:

    I'm with you, Bev; I threw away my sandwich toaster once I found out that I could make cheese toasties in a skillet on the stove; less time, less mess, and taste even better done on the stove. I also bought an air fryer, used it maybe five times and wondered why I'd bothered. It's what one is used to, and familiar with, and, has space for. My gardening shoes are falling apart, but I just know I won't find another pair which are half as comfortable, or as good. I'll probably cry when I finally have to throw them out. 🙁

  6. J. J. Savalle
    J. J. Savalle says:

    Have to say you are ahead of us when it comes to the Instapot use. We have had one now for about 4 months and it's still in the box. Like you noted, we simply cook all the same via other methods (crockpot, baking, dutch oven, etc.). I guess we are just in the mode of thinking ahead where needed. Keep up the great videos and recipes. Good luck with the garden this year!

  7. Chrissy Jones
    Chrissy Jones says:

    I have no need for gadgets. I think the instapot is for busy working outside of home people. I'm a stay at home mom and wife. I don't even own a crock pot. Just a stove and oven. I have a deep frier though. It only takes minutes to boil eggs……

  8. fadeddenims501
    fadeddenims501 says:

    I know it isn't the same, but I have a moderate sized pressure cooker and I use it a lot. If given a choice, I would pick the pressure cooker that doesn't require electricity. I have a Dutch Oven that I just got recently and I need to break it in, and I love my cast iron fry pans. Lifting them is like lifting weights! Your honesty is refreshing!

  9. Stacey Doten
    Stacey Doten says:

    I agree, Bev! I am on the fence as well. I feel like I have to over-think! I use it for quick things but it won't replace my crock pot or my pressure cooker. Thank you for your honest feedback! 🙂

  10. LeeAnn Wicker
    LeeAnn Wicker says:

    I came to the same conclusion without buying an IntantPot . I really don't want another appliance to store or to take up counter space. I have a pressure pan, crockpots and skillets which do the same things. I can do a beef roast or a whole chicken in my pressure pan in less time with the same results. Now if we were talking about a freeze dryer, I'd be all in to give it a try.

  11. Gwen Dolyn
    Gwen Dolyn says:

    I was pretty terrified of my instant pot. LOL But I've just started using it – because of you, I might add – and I'm kind of in love with it now. Every recipe I've tried has been perfect. Chili, pulled pork, whole chicken from frozen, honey garlic chicken thighs. Being able to throw stuff in a pot and walk away has been a real lifesaver for me. I'm half tempted to buy another one to deal with veggies while the other one does the meat. sigh Now I just need to win a lottery or something so I can afford all the pretty gadgets! Oh, and the boiled eggs… a must! I was able to peel eggs right out of the chicken's butt!

  12. Charmaine Donato
    Charmaine Donato says:

    I had talked about wanting one but even my husband said, "what do you want one of those or?". I agree Bev, I think it would cause me more time and frustration. I usually do my meal prep for the week on a weekend. I am pretty sure everything you can do in an instant pot you can do with the things you have and are already using. Rice.. you can double the amount on the stove and put in bags and freeze for further use. I like to start my soups or stews on the stove and then put them in the crock pot like you do. I have a large crock and a small. The other day I had split pea soup in the large one and i cooked down a turkey breast with my saved skins and such for broth for the freezer. When that was done I put in my steel cut oats and cooked them all day for my work week breakfast when I get to work. Sometimes it is hard to teach an "old dog new tricks". I love the old school ways. You are reading from someone who does not own a dishwasher nor use a dryer for her clothes…. so an new gadget that I would get frustrated with would only be put in the cupboard and not used. At least you were honest and gave it a fair shake… but I'm with you 100 percent.

  13. Dawn Yockey
    Dawn Yockey says:

    Everyone I know either loves or hates them for cooking.
    Others use it for sterilization or making baby food but that’s it.
    I was given one as a gift for Christmas, still boxed in the basement, lol.

  14. MtnWoodsy
    MtnWoodsy says:


  15. mdoe37
    mdoe37 says:

    They are what they are. I also own a stove top pressure cooker and would normally make stew with that. I like being able to blast chicken breasts and whatnot in a hurry. I don't think it cooks rice well at all. Try some chicken breasts with pineapple juice, salt, pepper and garlic…..just sayin', Bev. 🙂

    That said I did buy a second one for the cabin at a huge discount. It worked very well a couple weekends ago to make a load of baked potatoes.

  16. Cbass
    Cbass says:

    I totally agree Bev! That instapot is another gadget. I’m not buying one….never. But good on those who enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that. I don’t have problems making rice, or anything else that that pot makes. But I see the advantages of it for a busy family I guess. As for me, my planning works, and I just don’t need another gadget taking up space in my kitchen.

  17. Jennifer Hall
    Jennifer Hall says:

    I tend to agree. I bought a knock off instant pot and ill say it…….. i hate it lol giving it to my kid maybe she will appreciate it. My biggest peev is not being able to see how my food is cooking and just crossin my fingers that it works.

  18. a Netzband
    a Netzband says:

    I can not tell you how much I appreciate that review. A couple of years ago a daughter-in-law really wanted one so I bought it for her. She used it extensively at first, and then kind of put it away. She offered it to me and it got as far as almost being loaded into our car. Now it's going to someone else. I too feel I don't need the speed of it and another item taking up room. I love my crock pots, other pots, and have the time to cook, so, for me, as for you, it's something that I don't need.

  19. notsquaretoprepare
    notsquaretoprepare says:

    I Love, Love, Love my Instant pot!! I make large batches of soup, stew, spaghetti, mini meatloaves, etc. Freeze in smaller portions. They go from frozen to table in 30 minutes or less. No effort on my part. Rice, hard boiled eggs plus all of the above food. Just set it and walk away.


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