$172 vs $14 Veggie Burger: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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Professional chef Palak Patel from The Institute of Culinary Education and home cook Lorenzo are swapping recipes and hitting …

35 replies
  1. Luís Vieira
    Luís Vieira says:

    If you don't value your money… eat "green" … 4 peace sake … i can make any meal with less money than the worlds best chef… wanna know why??? I'm not rich … caviar tastes like rotten fish eggs (if you know what i mean)…

  2. gairah adam
    gairah adam says:

    Kekurangan dari konten ini adalah mereka tidak saling mencicipi masakan masing-masing dan itu dulu, namun sekarang….. Kita semua bahagia karena mereka saling mencicipi hasil karya masing-masing

  3. simi dhillon
    simi dhillon says:

    Chef Palak mispronouncing her own name is the literal height of seeking white validation. Also cringe.

    She’s pronouncing it PAH-lak which translates to Spinach.

    It’s supposed to be PUH-Luk which translates to beautiful eyelashes, commonly referred to on women.

  4. pohgfd1
    pohgfd1 says:

    Soooo mayo has eggs which chef Palak uses from a bottle unless it's egg free…also $172!? ITS PLANTS! Also also animal sauce on a veggie burger huh!?

  5. Madi Shugerts
    Madi Shugerts says:

    Just a tip to anyone who cares: Nutritional Yeast Flakes over popcorn is an amazing snack or cheese flavoring substitute! I’m not vegan or anything but I truly love it because the flavor is unrivaled! My aunt is vegan and introduced us to it years ago. Since then, I always keep some close by.

  6. Alan Young
    Alan Young says:

    Here's a video idea!!!

    Have Rose react and comment to other people's home cook videos. A good one is by Ethan who did one recently about burgers. He shares from his home cook perspective, but curious to heard from a food scientist.


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