17 SUPERFOODS You Should Make A Part Of Your Daily Diet

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In today’s video, we will tell you what these superfoods are so that you can make them a part of your daily diet and be on track to a happier, healthier you!

34 replies
  1. Toni
    Toni says:

    Liver! How could you miss that? It's loaded with all the iron and all the b12 you could ever need. It makes a great tasty meal sliced with bacon and onions and too many people give it to the pets. It's the best part of the animal.

  2. mel e
    mel e says:

    No eggs for me. So much cholesterol. I agree with the rest. Only wild caught salmon tho. Beware of mercury in fish! Eating a more plantbased diet is the way to go!

  3. Salujathustra
    Salujathustra says:

    You are trying to put the vast intelligence of the body in the framework of knowledge, (scientifically proven) which is so blatantly absurd. What and how much body needs, body knows how and from where to obtain it. Hunger has never been an issue for this body. It's the greed to obtain so much as to save for future, but this physical organism lives moment to moment. It has not future, it's one with time. You would be surprised to know how little body needs, and rest goes in making diseases. We aren't dying of hunger, we are dying of diseases. It's our superficiality over the intelligence of body that has given rise to all these havoc, be it of health or of environment, that we are confronting today because we 'think' that we are above and beyond Nature, and therein lie the excruciating fallacy. We are no bigger than an ant nor any smaller than sun. We all Exist in perfect harmony, interdependent. Stop laboring under the illusion of a self. There is no beyond, there IS. Death to knowledge!

  4. Courtney Kelly
    Courtney Kelly says:

    this video just popped up on my newsfeed decided to watch as im starting to get into healthy foods. its good to know what the foods can help with and im plannning on buying all the ingredients next week 🙂


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