#168 Fab 4: Take 4! Lindsey suggests we get a WHAT?? A Coffee Weasel. ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Sorry my sound is too quiet… It’ll be better next time! โ€โ™€๏ธ Instant Pot: NOTE: Prime day is in a month, so you may want to see …

31 replies
  1. PamIAm Canada
    PamIAm Canada says:

    No, I don't have an Instant Pot, or an air fryer. I do have the 4-waffle mini Dash though. My coffee pot, cast iron pan, and Ninja saute pan, and a pot, are the things I use most.

  2. Rebecca Wells
    Rebecca Wells says:

    I couldn't get rid of anything, God made it for a reason. Remember what Paul said: 12 โ€œI have the right to do anything,โ€ you sayโ€”but not everything is beneficial. โ€œI have the right to do anythingโ€โ€”but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12 NIV Always loved that. Personal responsibility! I must be responsible for my choices. Not preaching just love sayings. Peace out!

  3. Nancy Elizabeth
    Nancy Elizabeth says:

    I love the old keto moderate protein still sometimes get to much but at least not having to try so hard to get double wow itโ€™s freedom plus loving the cream in my ice coffee or strawberry and cream starting to lose again thank you ๐Ÿ™ and I do IF 18:6,19,5,20:4

  4. Michele Haft Hudson
    Michele Haft Hudson says:

    I got the strawberry MCT oil powder in my Perfect Keo order as a free gift. I put it in my coffee yesterday. Oh I HATED the fake sweetness of it. I threw away the powder, recycled the container and poured out the cup of coffee. I felt the same way about the flavored collagen which I tried years ago. I might have known. Unflavored seems to be my preference.

  5. Rebecca Wells
    Rebecca Wells says:

    Add a tsp of egg white powder and a couple TBLS cream to a glass of Wild Strawberry Crystal Light liquid with Splenda. Can't use powdered Crystal Light cuz it uses Aspartame! Confession! I don't have a problem with sweeteners, I use a lot of them and no effect on weight loss or tummy…so I do me. I gotta have SOME sweetener. I use Monk, Erythritol/Allulose because there is a study that documents adding Allulose to the others will negate a spike in blood sugars. But I do Splenda in ice tea. Yeah I'm a bad girl, but it works for me! Drinks video, I'm down with that! Girls this has been a fantastic session…like picking your brains. GOtta love it…more please!


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