15 Bean Soup – The Perfect Meatless Monday Meal

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It’s Meatless Monday and I’m going to show you how to make 15 Bean Soup – The Perfect Meatless Monday Meal. We’re making …

44 replies
  1. Romaine Fields
    Romaine Fields says:

    I just wanted to let you know that this isn't meatless. I wasn't going to watch because I was looking for a smoked turkey variation.. But maybe change the title.. meatless means without meat.

  2. Raymond Schneider
    Raymond Schneider says:

    Denise, a suggestion, if I may: if you want to use FRESH garlic, simply smash/peel fresh garlic and grate it over a microplane — soooo much easier than trying to clean a garlic press. I saw that online some time ago and it's been my choice since. Can't miss!
    Y'all Be Safe!!!

  3. Sheryl Morris
    Sheryl Morris says:

    Always enjoy soup. Use as opportunity to clear out odds and ends from frig and freezer. Biscuits or any favorite bread a treat.
    Thx for update on apron and spice cabinet. One of the reasons I love your channel is you are a kindred spirit and blog friend. We share and chat!!!

  4. Dannie McDonald
    Dannie McDonald says:

    Did you add the seasoning packet that comes with the beans? You showed it when you poured the beans into the cullender, but did not mention adding it. It gives the beans a smoky flavor.

  5. Wendy Thomas
    Wendy Thomas says:

    Nothing makes you more thankful for ALL of your blessings until your husband of 25.5 years walks out the door for a newer model…😉totally appreciate EVERYTHING God has given you!

  6. Rebecca Sanford
    Rebecca Sanford says:

    Greetings from East Texas! Hey Denise! I have bags of 15 Bean Soup as part of my Prepper Pantry. I also have a couple of cans of DAK Canned Ham. Which is AWSOME to chunk up and add to ANY bean soup. Cornbread is a MUST 😀! Blessings to you this week

  7. Joyce Wilson
    Joyce Wilson says:

    Thanks for another great video and recipe. My family won’t eat lentils or split peas they are picky. Our meatless meal is pinto beans that I cook until almost done, then I drain the liquid off and add my ham broth that I keep in the freezer, cornbread and fried potatoes. It’s a very simple very cheap meal because we grow our own dried beans and our dent corn for grinding into meal and we gro our potatoes, the broth came from a purchased ham. We also breed and raise our own chickens for eggs and meat and raise a very large garden spring, summer and fall. The prices have gone through the roof. We are blessed to be able to raise a lot of our own food . I know that it has to be very difficult for people trying to feed their families. I purchase meat on sale and pressure can it . I have always done my basic meal planning a year in advance . This past weekend I caught a great sale $3.99 for beef round roast and I have pressure canned several meals and have a few in the freezer. I’m hoping they still have them tomorrow so I can get more to have a years worth canned. We always give thanks and praise to the Lord morning, moon and night and all between because HE is our everything. I really enjoy your videos. May God bless you and your family.

  8. The New Orleans Gardener
    The New Orleans Gardener says:

    Thank you for Participating in Meatless Monday, The Soup, Sounds Delicious, I've Never Tried this soup But I'm getting my list together, The Soup looks Delicious Aw My, 🥣🥣 Thank you so much for Mentioning me, I Appreciate You, Thanks for Sharing 💜👍🏾

  9. Jr Scott
    Jr Scott says:

    Okay and one more comment at the ending of your program yes we must give thanks and praise to God in prayer for every dish we get waking up in good health and so on that is so true whatever goodness applies to your life give thanks no matter what we're going through we take so much for granted daily in these times of uncertainty immoral decay of our society we have to stay positive no matter what stay in the grace of God okay shalom

  10. Jr Scott
    Jr Scott says:

    Shalom dear Mom 🌹 I always insincerely appreciate your time for presenting us with very good content I love the recipe one of my all-time classics I love is navy bean soup my mother and father used to be in the Nation of Islam back in the day when there used to be the newspaper called Muhammad speaks they used to prepare many navy bean soup days and bean pies made from the teachings of Elijah Muhammad the old book how to eat to live this certainly brings back memories see you preparing food similar to those days I live in Ithaca New York it is very rural upstate New York there's a grower up here that grows navy beans black beans red beans I didn't know that they grew in this climate but they do well I'm also grateful I have not lost my love for gardening which I grow produce as well okay I'll let you get back to it I'll finish watching the show thank you dearly peace and blessings and love to your family ✔️👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐

  11. Earl J Klec
    Earl J Klec says:

    Nice! Bean soup and cornbread
    That’s all I need or want.
    My wife cooks cornbread in the cupcake tin and we eat 1 with a meal till they are gone.
    Also I put syrup on warm cornbread .

  12. Joy Powers
    Joy Powers says:

    I’ve done beans a lot of ways. Other than in split peas or navy beans, I’ve not added carrots. That makes sense!
    Why add the lemon when the beans are tender? Why add the salt at that time and not earlier? I’m curious…

  13. Comfort Creek Ranch
    Comfort Creek Ranch says:

    Great job on keeping your cabinet organized. I am so short I can never reach the spices I need! Lol. The beans look good, I was wondering what to do with my bag of beans. Only thing I'd do different, I usually sprout beans a couple of days.
    Thank you for sharing…
    I am thankful too!


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