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Sorry the Vegan Bundle has now ended ORDER MY BOOK MINIMAL // http://hyperurl.co/h4majz My ebooks // https://bit.ly/2YQYtQY My ethical & sustainable …

48 replies
  1. Madeleine Olivia
    Madeleine Olivia says:

    🌱 ONLY A FEW HOURS LEFT TO GRAB THE VEGAN BUNDLE (ends Sat 10am GMT) 🌱// https://bit.ly/madeleineoliviabundle
    – Available until Feb 7th ONLY so don't miss out!
    – 90 ebooks (with a few classes!) for only $50 (£38)
    – Total value usually $1926 (£1482) – that's 97% off!
    – Includes my two ebooks Versatile Vegan and Minimal Beauty
    – Available worldwide
    – Vegan recipes, lifestyle guides, workout guides, sustainable fashion, zero waste living, minimalism, DIY beauty, eating vegan on a budget, plant based protein, gut health, self confidence, overcoming emotional eating and so much more!
    – BONUS GIVEAWAY! 3 lucky winners will be winning a Nutribullet if you buy The Vegan Bundle with my link // https://bit.ly/madeleineoliviabundle

  2. Nina Leeb
    Nina Leeb says:

    The dark chocolate alpro pots are incredible! I think they’re the best flavour that they make. I’m not vegan but I love eating them because of how good they are 😂

  3. CookALife byMaeva
    CookALife byMaeva says:

    Hey Madeleine, I love your videos and your content in general whether it is here or on IG or your blog about sustainability, eating local, etc. in which I totally agree and thus I really don't understand why you buy non seasonal vegetables such as tomatoes and bell peppers that are Summer veggies when there are SO many other seasonal ones to buy and cook ?!?! 🙁

  4. Robert Matthew Brown
    Robert Matthew Brown says:

    You could do an 'unbudget' version of this. Where you go into LiDL and see how much it is possible to spend on food for the week – without unnecessary food waste. Bet you would struggle to even spend that £50 each or whatever was said there.

  5. StefaniniStefano
    StefaniniStefano says:

    Vegan ppl buying a lot of plastic a some food. Is it a joke? You care about animal's souls and not about their environment? You are basically buying stuff that is killing our planet. So why don't you eat meat? To feel less guilty?

  6. Cara Waters
    Cara Waters says:

    I started shopping at Iceland as a student to keep things cheap, and although their apples are much cheaper in a multipack, they've replaced the plastic bag with a cardboard holder for them! Supermarkets definitely can do better and keep the prices down.

  7. Jasmine MARI
    Jasmine MARI says:

    It seems like fresh vegetables and fruits are more expensive in Japan than UK:( Apple is like £120. Mushrooms are £120 too but with smaller quantity🧐 should tastes better😤

    It’s so cool that vegan meat is sold at a supermarket. Not Japan yet.

  8. flibbertygibbette
    flibbertygibbette says:

    Hey, don't let anybody tell you iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value! Romaine has more nutrients, but iceberg still has vitamin A, vitamin C, etc. It also has the same amount of protein and fiber as Romaine. If you're eating a wide variety of fruit and veg, it won't matter much if you're eating iceberg vs romaine. Eat what you like!

  9. Rex
    Rex says:

    Great video! Lidl is my most local supermarket but never shop there as they don’t sell meat substitutes (my hubby will only eat vegan meals if it contains faux meat).
    I will say the amount of ads in this video was off putting, especially as one or two were unskippable. I almost clicked out of the video after the 3rd one. I understand this is how you make your living but it spoiled an otherwise great, helpful video.

  10. kris Sharp
    kris Sharp says:

    Seriously if you put on the cart without anything that cabbage and in the cart before you they had leaking raw fish or meal you risk cross contamination. I have these canvas bins with handles, looks like an open box and then fold clothes and go right in the cart.

  11. Anna Mitchell
    Anna Mitchell says:

    It's the same in Ireland: Aldi, Lidl and Tesco (at least in my area) are plastic fantastic. Supervalu isn't bad (that's Irish chain), they actually do a nice selection of packaging free fruit and veg. They stopped loose mushrooms though 😭😭😭😭 which to me is a disaster as I love my mushrooms.

  12. Lawrence Kirk
    Lawrence Kirk says:

    Very informative, but you love to moan 😅 would have been better if the vibe was more positive.
    Love the plant based burgers, but they’re vacuum packed so it’s not that weird that they’re packed with the burgers, I’d expect to find vegan mayo with regular mayo for ease 🤷🏻‍♂️

  13. kris Sharp
    kris Sharp says:

    Plastic is helpful for keeping items germ free. As someone old enough to remember paper bags often we were using 2 bags cause they often broke and the walk home was terrible when that happened. Especially when jars of stuff was glass it was ruined and wasted product. That said I do use canvas reusable bags for groceries. You fit more items in them so less trips back and forth to car, and I just keep them in the car and it’s become a habit. The trouble the times they give plastic bags is I have to take them to recycling place since the weekly trash pickup doesn’t recycle those and often the bin is too full and they end up all over in the wind. Your prices are cheap. It would cost $3 for a plastic bag of lettuce in the states.

  14. Sabrina D.
    Sabrina D. says:

    I love you videos but got a weird / personal questionn. Why do you put packaging in your face / on your lips and then put it back and not even buying it e.g. garlic bread. Or touching stuff when you know you wont get it?


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