100 Pounds Lost WITHOUT Bariatric Surgery with Dr. Carol Wroblewski + Chocolate Muffin Recipe

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5 DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES to support your weight loss: https://www.chefaj.com/5-delicious-low-fat-dinner-recipes

40 replies
  1. Angie R
    Angie R says:

    OMG! This is the first place someone else knew about Ayds 😊I used to steal them from my grandmother's fridge. She told me not to eat them,but I didn't listen 😎

  2. aspetree
    aspetree says:

    This is Sarah Foster and I thought this interview hand lady was amazing!!! I loved what she had to say and her whole experience that she shared. Thank you Chef AJ for bringing her to our attention. 👍😃

  3. Bart B. Van Bockstaele
    Bart B. Van Bockstaele says:

    57:18 "Even if it is to microwave. microwave a bag of vegetables".
    That is exactly what I do, and I love it: it is convenient, fast, tasty, requires no dishwashing except for the container you cook it in and a fork (and even that is largely optional if you do it right): it is everything that fast food claims to be and it isn't. Highly recommended.
    I should add that I lost 60 kg, am still losing and almost at destination.

  4. DivineRED
    DivineRED says:

    I will take WFPB over this surgery! None of that sounds good. My doctor at one visit tried to hardcore talk me into it. I just kept saying over and over "yes I know what it is and how it works. I'm not doing that. Ever. I'm not permanently altering my organs with surgery." My ex-bf had the dudenal by-pass. He kept the weight off for like a decade but now he's gained it back.

  5. Shelley Maxwell Channel
    Shelley Maxwell Channel says:

    You ladies give me so much hope. I weight about 500 pounds, I am bedridden except for short walks to the bathroom to bathe once a day (or everyother day). You are both so real and so beautiful. Thank you Chef AJ. I will record my jouney from today until I lose the first 100 pounds so I can help like you are helping me.

  6. Hortense Jones
    Hortense Jones says:

    “Sitting is the new smoking”- was shocked by notification via Applewatch that I’d gone from 260 active minutes/day a year ago to 40/day. I knew that having Post Concussion Syndrome slowed me down from when I taught dance and yoga long ago-wake up call that since my husband’s ob”m sudden death a few months prior to pandemic, I’m moving and walking so much less. Thank you for the encouragement!

  7. Carol Gacioch
    Carol Gacioch says:

    This is great AJ….I as well lost 93 lbs ..kept it off for 3 years now..all 100% plant based while foods..I love my food…all my veggies and fruits..I'm 65 on no meds…I eat super clean
    Ty for all you do…🤗

  8. Bernadette Swanson
    Bernadette Swanson says:

    I almost spit my water out when she referred to coffees as "frappa-kappa-froufra-cinos"! This is an educational look at bariatric (auto-correct changed it to "barbaric") surgery and it's limitations and side effects. Well done!

  9. Suzanne Reeves
    Suzanne Reeves says:

    Oh, I’m surprised you both remember AYDS candy. I had to be, like 10-12 yo when I tried these which lead me to multiple gimmicks to loose weight. Thank God I found Chef A J and the many experts I now follow on this wonderful way of eating WFPB!

  10. Valerie Johnson
    Valerie Johnson says:

    I can relate so much….child trauma! Was given bake goods all the time……I always said: I was born a size 16……. Discovers chef AJ and the McDougalls! Now 130 pounds and a size 8-10. I am 73!

  11. PantaMeowMeow. S.
    PantaMeowMeow. S. says:

    Min 48 – the stats – that is insane! I had no idea that many people are allowing themselves to be butchered. France, the land of why french women do not get fat, doesn't surprise me. I do not care how much pre-op psych work people get, they do not understand the consequences. They think this will cure them, cure every problem in their lives. I know a few people who have had these types of surgeries. That one woman(?) who a week later wanted her "stomach" back – that's horrible. Even if she was told this, her brain probably did not want to hear it.

    Anyhoot – a very good presentation. I'm learning a lot.

  12. LizzieDripping
    LizzieDripping says:

    I wish I had known about this this lovely lady 7 years ago. I may not have chosen (& paid for) the surgery but paying for it made me even more determined to make it work. It did. It continues to work for me BUT like her, WFPB has 100% helped me succeed.

  13. Pam Dawson
    Pam Dawson says:

    Need to plan ahead re holidays and restaurants.
    Miso soup in packets
    Tinned beans
    Finding your bones is weird and good.
    Accepting one is addicted/ or has a ravenous appetite is such a start.
    I also benifitted from a long window of not eating.
    This then developed into fasting…slowly slowly.
    I too can see when my husband is eating WFPB or off the rails.
    The skin and the eyes tell it all.
    The difference is I'm motivated.
    I try to make sure if I get temped by aromas or have a crave i go to a banana or medjoul date or a tin of beans with tamari and heat it up.
    Fortunately it doesn't happen often.
    I'm better on one long meal a day over 2 hours. This means I can eat all I want of permitted foods.
    I might sit down to a bowl of brown rice or 4 large potatoes steamed.
    Making an SOS dressing.
    I need to feel full and it has to taste good.

  14. M Chagawa
    M Chagawa says:

    This really was such a fantastic show – had it all, like you said, Chef AJ! Getting to meet Dr Wroblewski, to hear her own amazing story, have such a wonderful cooking demonstration, AND have such a fabulous presentation (which I'm so grateful you managed to help her with, thank you for the effort <3) – wow! Thank you both so very much.

  15. Mary Quite Contrary
    Mary Quite Contrary says:

    Protein deficiency is rare in America. The medical term for protein deficiency is kwashiorkor and this is not common medical diagnosis in America.
    Common medical diagnoses in America include the following : coronary artery disease, constipation, colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, diabetes , breast cancer, and obesity. All of these diseases are very common in America and all are associated with the number 1 dietary deficiency in America-fiber deficiency.

  16. Skye Blue
    Skye Blue says:

    Perhaps you might be able to influence your husband if the emphasis was not just about health but also and very importantly about not eating animals and their byproducts and of course the environment.


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