100 Pound Weight Loss Journey – A Mental Challenge?

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After rewinding my health from morbidly obese I discovered my weight loss journey has nothing to do with weight and has everything to do with my mind.

30 replies
  1. Barbara Gray
    Barbara Gray says:

    You are right,yes it is,i don't like to feel stressed the only way to fix me was to lose wt. A friend can help us look at reality & give encouragement too,yes we need confidence….Thank you Thank youJess…..this was good for me too…

  2. Laura Butler
    Laura Butler says:

    Find new ways to win food battle:
    1. Make new friends
    2. Gym, walking… moving!
    3. β€œBinge” on sparkling water or Keto food
    4. Learn to love yourself, talk kindly, better self care

  3. Teresa Foreman
    Teresa Foreman says:

    Jes, you continue to inspire me. Thank you. Congratulations on your 1 year success of over 100 pounds!πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰WOOHOO!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. Donya Lane
    Donya Lane says:

    Hey Jess… Hope you did have a successful weekend. No matter what the 1year weigh-in shows (I guess that's today), the fact remains that you've dropped 100 pounds, already! Whoo hoo! You're doing it, so keep on doing it. I do have a request/consideration for when you're talking about stuff like this in your vids. Perhaps, don't mention specific binge foods by name. Maybe say things like "a particular ethnic food" or "a frozen confection" or "a bag of processed carbs." Reason being, just hearing the name of a specific food is enough to send some of us into a binge or slip. I also attend OA, and that's how we do it there, so no one starts obsessing over any food. Anyway, wishing you all the success in the world!

  5. Tria Farrar
    Tria Farrar says:

    Im crying…literally! I was just asking my husband why I couldn't stick to keto, why was I sabotaging myself!! Thank you for this video! Thank you so much because this is exactly what I needed to hear!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

  6. Kzoo Keto
    Kzoo Keto says:

    You're so right, it's all mental, and you are the one that is going to fight you the most. (Sorry if that doesn't make sense!) Everything is centered around food for most – celebrations, sadness, stress, happiness, etc.
    Getting yourself into the mindset of any weight loss journey is a process, and it's a long process. Love this video! πŸ₯°

  7. Denise Baker
    Denise Baker says:

    Hey Jess I was wondering if you ave had any trouble ordering from the Yvette company??? I made a $73.00 purchase in January And just received my order and surprise its a dog bed?? I didnt order a dog bed I ordered work out cloths!! I have been trying to get an answer from someone for 2 weeks now just wondering if you have any suggestions?

  8. Carmella Goodman
    Carmella Goodman says:

    Jess, you are so spot on with this post. Thank you for sharing and I fully agree with you that our minds are very powerful and can even trick us if we don’t battle it out. Great video. 😘

  9. S Weber
    S Weber says:

    I will be 40 in May. I have dieted off and on for 20 yrs. Ive even done Keto before. But I wasnt in the game Mentally. It took me having autoimmmune issues ((still in the process of diagnosis)) to get it. Now its clicked for me, the switch has flipped. I had to face the reality of what I was doing to myself, my kids, my partner. Ive been doing Keto for a month and this time Im down 22lbs. Mentality is the key to weight loss.

  10. Kate Kingston
    Kate Kingston says:

    I know exactly what you mean jess, I can remember as a child and in my early twenties that eating was just something you did when you remembered, it wasn't the thing I used to run to when I felt badly. I think sometimes we have to say to ourselves, it's okay to cry, lol go sit in a dark cupboard, make a pot of tea sit in the garden, put on some loud music, watch a teary movie, go for a drive go to the ocean cleanse the mind with the sound of waves and the spray of salt water ( my favourite). At the moment I'm looking for an embroidery class I can remember as a fifteen year old embroidering ladie bugs dragon flies and other naturous things on the legs of my levis ( God I wish I still had those levis today) these are the sorts of things you did when you wanted to just get lost, lol I want to get back to that sort of lost if you know what I mean.

  11. Michelle Brooks
    Michelle Brooks says:

    Jess you are such a inspiration! I started my journey January 2018. I lost 50 pounds and felt great. After the holidays and surgery on my shoulder I’ve gained almost 20 pounds. I’m so depressed. I was so proud of myself. Thank-you for these talks. I will get back my get up and go. Soon I hope. #givemyselfgrace

  12. Capt Dave and LittleJohn
    Capt Dave and LittleJohn says:

    Hello, I have to thank you! I started December 15, and this morning (Feb 09) I am down to 288.0, that from 314.0. I gave 13+ vials of blood February 07, and I am going to see the results the 12th. Your journey allowed me to gain an understanding of how, and why (classically the whatfo) of true weight loss! I can now exist knowing when I am loosing weight via that ketone flavor in my mouth, and keep a track using my keto mojo as you recommended, so… THANK-YOU!!

  13. Jazmine Summer
    Jazmine Summer says:

    Thank you for your honesty. I have reached my highest weight ever and I have tried to lose weight too many times to count. I know that I am using food as a coping mechanism. Here is to fixing my mind and body!


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