100 Days to a Cleaner Home Week 9 Day ?? / HOARDER DECLUTTERS LIVE

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Also check out my friends channel’s! They will be joining us also in this challenge! @LiveLaughLovewithJen @TheHelpfulHome …

8 replies
  1. Liisa King
    Liisa King says:

    Listening to you talk about laundry, I've just gone and thrown in a load of dark clothes! And I pulled out my fan and turned it on because it's muggy and really warm in here, even though it's sort of hazy out.

  2. Liisa King
    Liisa King says:

    I generally switched from plastic storage containers to glass IKEA ones with bamboo lids (rectangular and square, in 2 heights). I'm only one person and I just have a handful of the sizes I use most often. The plastic ones I kept are mostly ones that you can put yogurt and granola in, separately. But the glass ones are for my usual types of leftovers (like chili, extra rice, etc) that I can nuke for lunch at home or in the office.

  3. Vara Simple Living
    Vara Simple Living says:

    My parents house doesn't have central A/C so they have a window unit they put into their bedroom on the main floor. Every summer my Mom would hang a flannel curtain around the staircase going upstairs to keep the cool air on the main floor.


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