10 Ways To Fight Food Inflation 2022 – Protect Yourself From Rising Prices!

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Food prices are rising dramatically and will soon be rising more but there are things you can do to protect yourself. Today we will …

32 replies
  1. Theresa Winder
    Theresa Winder says:

    Just watched this and had a boiled egg, 3 salad potatoes and some bits of salad in the fridge. Lunch for work? Potato and onion salad with boiled egg and sliced ham! Here in UK prices have jumped however I have certainly become more creative!

  2. Karen Perez
    Karen Perez says:

    I normally agree with most of what you say especially about the Bible. However in Los Angeles 15 and hour after taxes leaves you about ten an hour to live on. A studio in bad areas is about 1200. In a super bad area. And the price of gas food and everything else is insane. So over here it is so much more than normal inflation. Sorry but it’s not

  3. Becky Bramlett
    Becky Bramlett says:

    I hope you find out what’s going on health wise ……. I have had a new heart valve replacement surgery months ago ( was born with a heart mumor) . Now dealing with something else( not heart related)…..when it rains,it pours !🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂.

  4. Rough-Hewn Homestead
    Rough-Hewn Homestead says:

    I want to comment my agreement and an example of what Mike said to the effect of it being good to keep your eyes open for chances to advance or find better opportunities (paraphrasing) ~~ I have a good example: My 20-something daughter took a job at a chain grocery store in a neighboring town about 5.5 months ago. During this time the store has had few applicants for cashiers, deli, etc. and many of the employees don't seem to take the job seriously ~~employees call off with little notice and often repeatedly. Normally people would be penalized for this, but the store is almost begging for help, so I think they have relaxed their standards about it. Anyway, my daughter does take her job seriously and she has been promoted twice already and her last review spoke of how she works hard, learns quickly, and is always willing to step up and help. This is an example of what Mike mentioned about looking for opportunity. She thought she was applying for a job that would be "ok, until something else comes along…" but, because she works hard and because so few people are interested in working this job or taking it seriously, she is advancing through the ranks at a much quicker pace than would normally be expected. I thought I'd offer a prime example of what Mike mentioned.
    Thanks for the tips and encouragement….and for saying it like it is when it needs to be said.

  5. dawn newton
    dawn newton says:

    I have been taking food grade iodine drops because I don't get enough through the food which is sea food. There are books on lack of iodine. It causes many things. For me Overy cyst. but am getting dr check for that. We also had a virus making us sleep. Wish you well

  6. Jan
    Jan says:

    I only buy what I usually eat, I shop the clearance aisle, it’s not always food, and I never throw any food away, I eat it until it’s gone. I don’t eat fast or slow food out. ⭐️

  7. Amy Shamblin
    Amy Shamblin says:

    I cooked to spiral hams for church potluck. I'm eating some ham for leftovers. The ham hocks I'm using to flavor my Lima Beans and add in a few bigger pieces. Think outside the box.

  8. ecmomma
    ecmomma says:

    That’s the one good thing about having a big family. It is rare that I have leftovers and if I do I pack it up and serve it on a night that a child doesn’t particularly care for a meal or if my kids says they are not hungry at supper I leave their supper on the island and it’s always gone by bedtime. They come back to eat it when they realize they are hungry. 🙂

  9. Wildhorse
    Wildhorse says:

    Yep walmart by me was horrible about changing prices on the shelf, prolly 80% of stuff changed price but not the shelf. Not sure if they have fixed it haven't been there n a while. I did get 4 pk chicken for 7.48 quite a few times though lol…

  10. Georgette Likens
    Georgette Likens says:

    You might have low iron; I had iron deficiency anemia and had very similar symptoms you mentioned. A couple other symptoms included hair loss, and the inside of lower eyelid and gums were light pink, not red.

  11. Joan Richter
    Joan Richter says:

    Since I’m nearing the end of the video and you’re bringing up the issue of people not wanting to save money… I just want to say… Please don’t change because I think your followers do value that. I value what you do💕💕

  12. Kimmy fox
    Kimmy fox says:

    Thank You so much for all your wonderful saving tips your tips have saved me $3,000.00can over last 3 years allowing me to pay down my debt. I went from $5,000.00 to having $2,000.00 in debt thank you so much

  13. claire fernandez
    claire fernandez says:

    i prepared the hot lunches at my son's school for a year and a half (aka i was the lunch lady) and i would regularly take home extra items such as hash browns and spaghetti and meatballs, which helped feed us. ain't no shame in the leftover game!!!

  14. Spendalittle
    Spendalittle says:

    Vitamin D3 deficiency will make you very tired. I was so low that I didn’t even reach the lowest of the in range number. I was definitely exhausted and had many aches and pains in the joints, especially my knees.


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