10 SIMPLE MEAL IDEAS For When You Don’t Want To Cook! 👨‍🍳 Budget Friendly Meal Ideas

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40 replies
  1. Stacye Brim
    Stacye Brim says:

    This video was for me. Some weeks I simply don't feel like cooking. I've recently been in a zone and haven't felt like cooking up with the week's meal plan, shopping, cooking and dealing with the endless dishes! Baked sweet potatoes and steamed frozen veggies are a go to. Sometimes it's just hummus and veggies. Chickpea salad is on regular rotation in this house as well.

  2. Cyndi J
    Cyndi J says:

    Hummus toast with pickled onion. Pasta with peanut sauce. For a little more effort, taco bowl with homemade yellow rice (I use white rice), canned refried beans, romaine, taco shell crumbled up (I bake up some corn tortillas ahead, keep fine in the pantry, or you can bake them while the rice cooks), salsa, sour cream. So good! Leftovers for dinner tonight.

  3. Molly Meyer
    Molly Meyer says:

    I loved this! Thank you Miranda. The sweet potato & protein oats are my favorites! I like using frozen veggies and veggie broth base to make soups. And adding pumpkin puree into boring meals xx

  4. Angela27red
    Angela27red says:

    When you don’t feel like cooking the oven is my best friend trader joe taquitos, sheetpan meals or just a tofurkey sandwich toasted or can of Trader Joe’s organic chili. Mac Dougal spring onion instant soup.

  5. Lori Laroo
    Lori Laroo says:

    Thanks for another great video. I try to meal prep for the week but also throw extras in the freezer for when I dont want to cook. Frozen soups, beans, chickpea 'meat'loaf, etc. I do what my daughter and I call a 'tiktok' wrap, spread nut butter onto flour tortilla, add sliced bananas in 1 quarter, DF choc chips in another, sprinkle with hemp seeds, add sliced strawberries if we have them, fold into quarters, and brown in nonstick pan. Baked potato with baked beans on top is good, or topped with black beans and jarred salsa. Quick oats with pb2, unsw applesauce, cinnamon, and mashed banana. Hummus and veg wrap- spread hummus on flour tortilla, add some sliced cucumbers, carrots, etc, lettuce, and roll up burrito-style.

  6. Jessica Owens
    Jessica Owens says:

    Those flautas look amazing! I love my meal delivery service. I have 4 quick/nearly no cook meals to offer. #1: plain greek yogurt topped with fruit, chia seeds, nuts and a drizzle of honey. #2: smoothie. I always have some frozen berries and frozen bananas, plus that greek yogurt & chia seeds. #3: Miso soup. Maybe sounds weird but if you have tofu & miso, you have miso soup. I add whatever random veggies are in the crisper to the soup, as well. #4: I always have a bag salad in the crisper & some sort of protein in the freezer (plus tofu, in the fridge). Chicken breasts cook in 20 minutes at 400 degrees and barely qualifies as "cooking" because it's so easy. I add that, tofu or whatever protein is in the freezer to my bag salad for a complete meal. All four options include a bunch of protein and fiber and keep me feeling full. Love your videos, Miranda!

  7. Amy T
    Amy T says:

    TJ’s Chinese for the win lol 😆 I loved the bento style you shared. I do snacky lunches a lot. My fav for awhile was cut up apple, pretzels, nuts & either a dip or some vegan chs. Blueberries, yogurt and granola is one I do often in warmer weather. And I make my own granola now, so good and so cheap. I could keep naming more, but you seriously covered pretty much what I do lol Lastly, I love to freeze stuff. When I’m in the mood to really cook, I’ll make big batches and freeze things like soup for the days I don’t want to cook. Loved this video. More like these would be awesome. Love super easy/quick meal ideas.

  8. Rachel Patterson
    Rachel Patterson says:

    One of my favorite ways to eat a baked sweet potato is topped with a dollop of natural peanut butter, chopped cilantro, and a squeeze of lime juice. Hot sauce would be a good addition as well for folks who like spicy. 🙂

  9. aysun
    aysun says:

    My go to lazy meal is canned tomatoes + crusty garlic bread (or any kind of cracker). It's my own take on pappa al pomodoro, I also make sure I add a ton of herbes (usually basil or dill) and balsamic vinegar

  10. Megan Lipko
    Megan Lipko says:

    I would eat cereal/oatmeal chips for dinner if it wasn’t for a 1 year old to have to prepare and serve a lavish 3 course meal cooked to perfection with variety (kidding) but hard. Although she makes me eat healthy and balanced since we share most meals

  11. Ashlea Mendelson
    Ashlea Mendelson says:

    Hi Miranda, what was the avocado issue? I can’t eat them anymore, they just kill my stomach it was so painful!
    My go to when I don’t feel like cooking is usually cereal. I love all the ideas especially the bento box

  12. Suzanne Graciano
    Suzanne Graciano says:

    Thanks Miranda for another great video of easy meal ideas!! You knock it put of the park everytime!! Also I recognized the welcome back you were singing – it was from Welcome back Carter – now how’s that for dating myself lol 😂

  13. Robin Swan
    Robin Swan says:

    My fave it a sharkcooterie board! Lots of fun stuff to use. MiRanda I wonder if your sensitivity to avocado was related at all to eating it with gluten products as it would have been on toast!

  14. TheAccessoryGirl
    TheAccessoryGirl says:

    Thank you for sharing these suggestions Miranda, I enjoyed the video. If I’m feeling lazy and want the simplest of meals that requires no effort, I’ll sometimes just make a peanut butter and jelly and sliced bananas sandwich on toasted Dave’s Killer Bread. It’s really quite yummy but super fast and easy. Other things I’ll make are microwaved baked potatoes topped with canned black beans, frozen broccoli and my easy homemade vegan “cheese” sauce with or without a little jar salsa or chipotle sauce on top. Also a quick and easy meal I make is bean burritos using canned pinto or black beans and again my homemade “cheese” sauce. Pasta with pasta sauce from a jar always works in a pinch too. 🙂

  15. ponycyndi1
    ponycyndi1 says:

    We use peanut butter in some of the options you used in place of hummus. It's great for a snack board, as a dip, and on noodles with a little soy sauce and chili flakes.

  16. Plant Based Manda
    Plant Based Manda says:

    Hands down, my favorite part of the video is when your husband uses the knife he cut the tomatoes with and used the spatula and knife to “scoop” the tomatoes to put in the bowl. My hubby always comments on my odd choices of utensils to do things. I say, “if it works, it works!” My lazy, “I don’t want to cook” meal is probably microwaveable rice and a steamable frozen stir fry veggie mix.

  17. Mother Of Cats
    Mother Of Cats says:

    Master your protein: I can make a 5 min tofu scramble or TVP bacon to add on top of anything. Even quicker is frozen damames popped in a microwave. Also fruit is the best snack because it's already packed with flavor. And yes for veggies and humus, easy AND healthy. I also make a chia pudding every night for the next day so I have omega 3s, but also fruits and seeds. And buy frozen carbs: potatoes, corn, squash, etc.

  18. Sammo F
    Sammo F says:

    from mrs: great quick recipes!! Especially budget friendly. Enjoyed the joe cameo-joe rocks! would like to see a quick vid of his perspective on budgeting.

  19. Carly
    Carly says:

    This reminds me of the meme that says, "I hate it when I'm waiting for Mom to cook dinner…. And then I remember I am the Mom." 😂 I like these kinds of videos because I'm always looking for easy meal ideas!

  20. Renee Pelletier
    Renee Pelletier says:

    I do oatmeal too when I don’t feel like cooking!
    +banana, almond butter and berries
    Or a quick pinto bean chili ( or one of those dr mcdougall instant ones!)
    Honestly my favorite is just a simple sweet potato with cinnamon and side of broccoli. Hits the spot every time 🙂
    Love these ideas, thanks Miranda!💓
    Ps great job to Joe on the tomato prep! 🍅
    I secretly like that my boyfriend can’t cook because I love to be the one in the kitchen LOL is that terrible 🤣


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