10 of the EASIEST One Pot Meals – Dump and Go Recipes!

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22 replies
  1. Denise N.
    Denise N. says:

    You were on my mind for days!!!! I was thinking she must be here by now! I’m so happy for you and your whole family-extended too! As painful as it is, enjoy every moment you can. Take the bare belly pic before you go! It’s always mind blowing when you hold her and then see the picture and imagine she was just there. May God be with all the staff and drs and your husband and you as the moment gets closer! You’re blessed to have such a gift and so many times! God bless you!

  2. Jackie Bender
    Jackie Bender says:

    So excited for you and yours. Love little babies so give her a hug and a kiss from me Little gal I know is going to get many kisses 😘 and hugs from everyone and you also. Will keep you and yours in my prayers tomorrow.


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