10 Must Have Items for Your Carnivore Kitchen | Pantry and Fridge Staples I Can't Do Without!

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10 Must Have Items for Your Carnivore Kitchen | Pantry and Fridge Staples I Can’t Do Without! **To get your free LMNT sample …

35 replies
  1. @candywoodgate1269
    @candywoodgate1269 says:

    I make chicken bone broth in my pressure cooker, really cooked for a long time. I drain off the majority of the broth and then use my stick blender to liquidise the bones and bits of residue to form a β€˜slurry’ for the dog.

  2. @Debbie-Savings
    @Debbie-Savings says:

    I want to try the Equip protein at some point. I remember the older generation cooking with bacon grease that they kept out in a container as well! We started hearing how bad it was for us and to use Crisco or Canola oil instead! I also remember my Grandmother cutting up a chicken and frying it in lard! I wish the truth about food had came out sooner but thankfully it is now! This was such a helpful video! Thank you so much! ❀

  3. @smiling4u2
    @smiling4u2 says:

    I'm not a big evening snacker but I was sharing with somebody that's exact tool that I've been practicing because once in awhile, I'll have a craving so I'll ask myself do you want the carnivore food that's already prepared and if I don't, that means I'm not really hungry. Made my first homemade bone broth with a variety of different meats and I froze a bunch of bouillon cubes so I could have a cup of collagen whenever I wanted and finding that's pretty often so I think I'm going to continue with that practice and always have homemade bone broth bouillon cubes available. When I'm ready to have some in a recipe or just want to drink a cup, like others drink hot tea, I just put a dash of Redmond's organic seasoning salt and heat it up.😊

  4. @meatdog
    @meatdog says:

    I keep duck fat in my pantry. I render it room cooking my own duck, buy it in a spray can and large jars of organic duck fat. I put it in everything, so flavorful. I have found that after 524 days on carnivore that butter is upsetting my stomach. I never buy the same brand to avoid sensitivity and some brands do not bother me. I, like you, keep all my meat rendered fats. Great video Anita. ❀

  5. @cdavham
    @cdavham says:

    I have come to look forward to seeing your videos every few days, of course for the content, but also for the pleasure of your company. Indeed, you have become a sister-like friend, a fellow traveler on this lifelong journey of transformation. Thanks always. Again.

  6. @rancancookcanoy9768
    @rancancookcanoy9768 says:

    Anita another great video. In my refrigerator you will find bacon cooked ready to eat. Meat cookies- hamburger patties ready for grab and go. I found some Waygu ground beef at our local grocery store and have a 1 lb of it and three eggs for breakfast a few times a week. I have been carnivore for 20 days so far. Really enjoy eating meat. Thank you for what you are doing in this space. Have you done Sous vide eggs? I been wanting to try using this method for my eggs. I use it for most of my meats except for ground beef. Have a great rest of your Friday and weekend. I would really like to see you and Chris Cooking Nashville create something.


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