10 MINUTE MEALS – Easy Meal Prep Ideas

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Click to download the Meal Prep Mix & Match PDF! http://bit.ly/2PPD7A3 Learn how to meal prep the EASY way with these 10 minute meals for dinner, lunch or …

35 replies
  1. PhoenixRiviera
    PhoenixRiviera says:

    Hi Alyssia your hair fire red suits you soo much 😍 great informative video.. I never considered to buy pre cut veggies.. Maybe I should check the prices at my local supermarket. Onions would be great as my eyes burn each time 😂

  2. Molly Proffitt
    Molly Proffitt says:

    It’s all well and good to prioritize health, but the truth of the matter is that a healthy body & mind don’t matter much if we don’t have a planet that’s liveable. I think it’s irresponsible for people with a large platform to spread the idea that using plastics are ok because “everyone is doing their best”. We are not doing our best or the planet would not be in such terrible condition. I love your content and recipes but please be cautious about the ideas you preach to your followers. Some of us have children that we would like to leave with a healthy and sustainable planet.

  3. The Tae Kwon Doe
    The Tae Kwon Doe says:

    This is a weird video. Normally the editing is great, but the beginning when you're talking with the sudden change in zoom ins/zoom outs is pretty distracting. Also sad that you have to sit there and go over a plastic/not plastic spiel.

  4. Raven Uribes
    Raven Uribes says:

    Hey Alyssia, could you please do a meal prep for a low FODMAP diet or just meals that are low FODMAP friendly?! Or even do a video on all the best foods for gut health and some meal ideas

  5. Lidia Wilcox
    Lidia Wilcox says:

    I went a full circle with meal prep myself. These days, my prep ends with chopping and prepping some staples but for the most part cook and assemble the day of. I love more of inspirational types of videos like you and The Domestic Geek put out.

  6. Jordan
    Jordan says:

    This is exactly how I 'meal prep' and have been doing it for years. Having bulk carbs, protein, and fat on had allows me variety AND convenience throughout the week to make whatever I want. Thanks for the recipes!

  7. happy
    happy says:

    When will the class open? I've been on the list for a while. I love your cooking. I work fulltime with a husband who is picky. I need these skills. Linda

  8. Kalitsi Niniva
    Kalitsi Niniva says:

    I’m having to give myself the “ do the best you can” talk a lot this week. My fiancé and I usually cook our lunches for the week from scratch. I try to avoid most premade prepackaged foods. However, when in the middle of a kitchen remodel, we did the best we could. We resorted to many of the things I tend to avoid.

  9. Daymickey
    Daymickey says:

    You are absolutely right. The confidence and knowing quick tips in the kitchen by heart is just as or more important than recipes and protocols for eating healthy throughout the week.

  10. Amber Katie
    Amber Katie says:

    Loved this video (but being honest, I don’t think you could ever make a bad video). Might attempt to make some of these for my fiancé.
    Rice is my FAVORITE thing. You can totally make a big pot of it and use it for about 3-4 days.

  11. booklover0924
    booklover0924 says:

    What worked for me the past couple weeks is Monday I make something like spaghetti Siri ground turkey. After I brown it I put half the meat in the fridge. Then the next night I use that for taco bowls adding canned tomatoes and taco seasoning. The rest of the week is 12+ hour days so that’s my lunch and dinners. I’m still working on it

  12. Data Bass
    Data Bass says:

    In regards to your small discussion about plastic: I agree with you. However, I would like to suggest to you, asking the grocery store(s) you shop at, to reduce THEIR plastic waste. Or even simply, try shopping at a local food market!

  13. Yin
    Yin says:

    What vegan options would you substitute for the proteins in the four dishes you showed us? The only thing that came up in my head is tofu 😅 Love your videos! 👍✨

  14. Kim Baggett
    Kim Baggett says:

    I really like how you are more reasonable about what you seem to consider “healthy” food. Some of the current diet fads I’ve tried were stressing me out too much. Your recipes/ style are a lot easier to follow!

  15. joyjamiebrady
    joyjamiebrady says:

    I am so sorry that you e been harped on for buying plastic. We appreciate your recipes. People seriously need to just work on them and quit cramming their own ideals into other’s lives. You are such a blessing!!!!

  16. DaBlondDude
    DaBlondDude says:

    Thanks, this is definitely how I prefer to cook unless I'm deliberately making batches for lunches and leftovers. More of these will be enjoyed though that cooking combo cheat sheet looks handy for cooking times / pairing the stuff I'm not as familiar with

  17. Doris Niedermeier
    Doris Niedermeier says:

    You first told me the idea of meal preparation and I love it, although some things you use are not available in Germany like frozen cauliflower rice or frozen rice. Please let us see more😍and I can’t find your mix and match.. where is it?

  18. Cheryl Hock
    Cheryl Hock says:

    My early attempts at meal prep weren't so good, especially after day 3 or 4 but over time you get better at it.
    Thanks for some great tips and recipes Alyssia:)


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