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Hey family!! In today’s video I’m sharing 10 Five Minute Breakfasts with y’all! All of these breakfasts can be made in five minutes or …

44 replies
  1. Susan B
    Susan B says:

    Everything looked yummy. I like to bake a batch of oatmeal muffins ahead and then spread peanut butter on top for a quick delicious breakfast all week that you can also take on the go.

  2. Michele McAfee
    Michele McAfee says:

    I just really enjoy watching your cute family! I give you props for being such a good mom and wife. I raised 5 children with my military husband and he was gone alot. My house stayed a complete mess! And they went to public schools! God bless you for you!

  3. Bertha Byrd
    Bertha Byrd says:

    Hi Falon,i've been in the hospital for 6 days,the dr,'s were worried about me,i have a lot of catching up to do,for like 3 days i was talking out of my head and saying things that made no sense,i was in some kind of shock to which one of my brother's found his son,my nephew dead on the bathroom floor,Sat.evening autopsy was done,he didn't do drugs or anything,he was sweet and wonderful,last March my sister-in-law passed away,last August 19tth one of my brothers was killed and then last Sat night my nephew passed away,Will you and Titus please pray for my family,thank you and God Bless.

  4. Melissa Hartsfield
    Melissa Hartsfield says:

    I loved this! I am always open to new an quick breakfast ideas! When you've got a 5 yr old who is constantly saying 'why is it taking so long… I'm hungry', then you definitely need faster recipes! LOL🤣!

  5. Sueellen Brown-fennell
    Sueellen Brown-fennell says:

    To save money I have been making my husband his breakfast bowls. We used to buy them. Eggs, precooked sausage Pattie’s, shredded cheese and some kind of potato then add ketchup on top and he’s happy. Thanks for these Fallon I might try and switch things up for him

  6. ViolinChick
    ViolinChick says:

    I go between oatmeal and egg phases so I love getting more ideas of what to make. I got a blender for Christmas though and have been on a huge smoothie kick! Coffee smoothies, mango smoothies, berry smoothies, everything's getting the smoothie treatment in this house lately. Only takes a couple minutes so it's addicting! (I know I'm like 2 decades late on the smoothie train LOL)

  7. Valerie S
    Valerie S says:

    Also, and this may not be specifically for breakfast, but we make something called Mouse Traps. Fry up some bacon, slice a tomato, grate some mozzarella cheese. When the bacon is finished cooking, dab off the grease. Put a few slices on a piece of bread (we usually just use white bread as we think it tastes best for the Mouse Traps). Top with a slice or 2 of the tomato, add some of the shredded mozzarella cheese and pop in the oven to broil a few moments. It's a great quick lunch, snack, etc. Kids request it all the time. Hope you're able to give it a go! ENJOY!

  8. Valerie S
    Valerie S says:

    Oooooo cinnamon toast w/hot chocolate! A family favourite! It's especially requested if we're outside shoveling the snow or playing in the snow! (And living in NE PA we get a lot of snow!) When we come inside to warm up, they wait for me to ask and then they all laugh and say, "I do!". Glad it made your list!

  9. Anita Dunphy
    Anita Dunphy says:

    Thanks for all the recipes Falon they all look like winners. My mother was from Germany and I was the first generation born here. Our breakfast was not the usual American breakfast. We had dark bread with wurst or cheese, eggs on the weekend, which I hated and would sneak down the basement with my cousins dog and give them to him. Didn't always work though, now it yogurt, oatmeal, eggs (I like them now) toast, waffles, pancakes, etc. Thanks for sharing all your recipes. Yes I like #10 the most, I'll have to make it. Stay well and safe.

  10. Betty Wurm
    Betty Wurm says:

    One of my favorite breakfasts is a BLT with a fried egg. I consider it breakfast, some think it’s lunch. Because there is an egg inside, it’s breakfast to me. To make it even better, I sometimes place the sliced tomatoes in a frying pan to heat through, maybe blister a bit. Yummy!

  11. Susan Berry
    Susan Berry says:

    These all look delish .. And easy to boot ! I warm one of Wal-Mart's sausage patty (my favorite sausage) in the microwave and bread in the toaster and cook your egg as you like and then I butter the toast and add sausage, egg, cheese and yummy sandwich !
    Sissy hair is getting so long .. It's beautiful !


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