10 Day Potato Reset Recipe Ideas | Mary's Mini AND Potato Reset Recipes For WEIGHT LOSS

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potatodiet #marysmini #potatoreset Welcome to my 10 day Potato Reset Recipe share video! Please make sure you check out the guidelines for a Potato Reset …

25 replies
  1. Samantha Rose
    Samantha Rose says:

    Great recipes thanks for sharing. I made the mash potato fries that you shared a while back…. they've been in the fridge for a couple days. Looking forward to seeing what they turn out like today in the air fryer 🥰

  2. Your Nix Fix
    Your Nix Fix says:

    I love how you smash the potatoes with a jar! Brilliant! Those garlic/lemon potatoes look amazing. YUM. Mmmm. Dill pickle potato salad! Looks delicious! Mmmm..Sweet Potato tots! Everything looks wonderful Miranda! 🙂

  3. kathy’s _folly
    kathy’s _folly says:

    Hi MiRanda♥️
    Every one of these recipes look so awesome. Can’t wait to make them. My favorite potato (just found them this year!) is the Japanese sweet potatoes. Creamy, sweet and so delicious right out of the oven with nothing on them. 🥰 But the little nuggets you made look so so good.
    Trying them all!♥️🙏Thanks so much
    Yes! I am a dill pickle fan, sweet pickle fan and spicy garlic pickle fan.🤣😍

  4. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Good morning Miranda!
    Those lemon garlic smashed potatoes look soooo good.
    I am a dill pickle fan!
    Cold potato salad all the way for me.
    Your stories about Joe make me smile. 😊 You are great together.

  5. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Love 🥰 potatoes and my favourite way to eat potatoes is in a curry but I also like vegan shepherd's pie and have even used them as a base for vegan cheese sauce for Vegan Mac & Cheese and a good jacket potato with different fillings. This potato recipe video is fantastic Miranda and I will have to try all these recipes. Love 😍 the video and love 💕Miranda & Joe.

  6. Patricia Strickland
    Patricia Strickland says:

    Another option for any potato salad, is to use extra left over baked potatoes. (Baking vs boiling actually retains more of the potatoes nutrition.)
    Just dice up the peeled, or unpeeled, cold potatoes, and prepare with choice of ingredients.
    The potato flavor is enhanced by baking.


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