1-WEEK OF FAMILY MEAL IDEAS | What's for dinner?

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Hey friends, I hope y’all have had a great week and weekend. Let me know if you plan on trying any of the meals I shared this week, and if not what recipe on …

35 replies
  1. Candace Boardman
    Candace Boardman says:

    Our meal plan usually has a family favorite of some kind if not more than one along with new recipes that I want to try. 🙂 I am the one that wants to try all the new things while my family would be fine if we did eat the same things all the time. lol 😉

  2. TeNice Xoxo
    TeNice Xoxo says:

    I love making turkey soup with the leftovers (I make a turkey salad as well). The turkey carcass makes a ton of broth so I have a good amount of broth and soup in the freezer for future use

  3. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    Will have to try this potato gnocchi. Tried it once a long time ago didn't seem to think much of it but I didn't really know how to use it either and I think that makes a difference. I think that Crock-Pot dish looks like a good place to go with it

  4. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    I love the chicken and gnocchi, I get my gnocchi at the fruit and vegetables store only .98 cents (randazzo) Thank you for sharing Taylor have a blessed day stay safe and healthy. 🙏❤🙏❤


    All of these recipes look delicious, my personal favorite was the turkey soup,(here you go in my head again bringing back 1 of mom's favorite things to do with Thanksgiving leftovers) & I too love gnocci as well. I love how delicate, buttery & pillowy soft they arel. It pairs well in most any soup, stew or stir-fry imo & takes on the flavor of any flavors they're paired with.
    Thank you very very much for sharing your families meals & life with us.
    You're the best! 🥰
    P.S. you have resent inspired & encouraged me to cook more, bc I had gotten in such a rush. ☺💐😍


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