$1 MEALS!!! Easy Affordable Crockpot Family Meals | Cozy Fall Recipes + Homemade No Yeast Bread

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crockpotmeals #budgetmeals #extremebudgetmeals Today I’m sharing another $1 crockpot meal recipe video! Super easy …

34 replies
  1. Amy T
    Amy T says:

    Cooked tomatoes give me heart burn, but not fresh. So when I make us pasta, I often make mine with pesto and my husband’s with reg pasta sauce. The only thing that helps with heart burn, if I’m having the red sauce, is adding a little fat, not ideal lol So with all this said, I appreciate options to not add tomatoes! But I do eat a ton fresh.

  2. Zinapw8
    Zinapw8 says:

    omg, I made the lentil soup… followed your directions and also tossed in freezer/fridge veggies left over with the potatoes and white beans… so good! Thanks for continuing your inspiration for us!!

  3. Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful says:

    Hi miranda. I am a 💯soup gal so I am surely going to try them this winter 😋. But i was just curious. When you cooked your broth how many cups does the 10 cups of water reduce to by the time you are done?

  4. Andrea Volz
    Andrea Volz says:

    Love these videos! I learned how to cook by watching my mama just throw all the ingredients together, and a wonderful meal made with love was produced. She learned from my Oma (her mama) back in Germany post WWII. I'm so grateful I learned how to cook from her as she used EVERYTHING up. Almost zero waste, so I really appreciate how you use everything up as well! 🙂 Would love some instant pot recipes! Thanks for everything you do with your videos! <3

  5. Ruth Horndasch
    Ruth Horndasch says:

    I’m definitely going to try your bread because I have self-rising flour that I forgot what I bought it for 🤣 I’ll cook mine a bit longer though ❤️😁 Also for the scraps for broth do you buy organic? Does it matter if I wash them? BTW you are beautiful with or without makeup 😊

  6. Marlene
    Marlene says:

    Great video 👏 It was especially nice to have you print out the recipe. I save these recipe in the saved file. It’s wonderful to see it in large print. I’m 72 and my vision is starting to fail. But love you and your husband.🌹

  7. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    You are such a joy to watch.
    I use my crockpot 2-3 times a week if not more year around. I like to make a lot and freeze leftovers for another day I get too busy.
    Cutting onions or stubbing your toe!? Hmmm….I dont like either. Lol. The onions lately have really been burning my eyes and messing with my sinuses when I dice them.
    When my tomatoes are going bad and I am. Ot cooking anything that I can put them in, I dice them and freeze them for soups, sauces, etc.
    Frozen veggies are a staple in my home besides salads. Whenever I buy fresh, life happens and I dont have the time to clean and chop them. I try to when I get home from the store but it just usually does not fair well.

  8. Robin Swan
    Robin Swan says:

    You're so right now that I think of it – almost all the soups I make or enjoy have tomatoes! Is there a vegan version of chicken and dumplings? A FAVE! Maybe with veggie broth and thickened with flour or corn starch with home made dumplings. Would be super easy and yummy! Add some veg and chefs kiss!

  9. BobaFeast
    BobaFeast says:

    This video is totally my vibe. I always tell my husband that I want to move to New England and open an affordable used bookstore / cafe with homemade bread and soups (vegan of course)! Maybe one day 🙂 Cheers from your friend in Austin!

  10. ChrispiCakes
    ChrispiCakes says:

    I would love to see slow cooker recipes that can cook for a normal work day. If I can put something in around 7am and then it can be done around 3-4pm and stay warm for 1-2 hours it would be super convenient.

    In the past when I ate meat it wasn’t an issue to cook meat for that long.

    But slow cooker recipes for plant-based meals are so much harder because all the recipes are for up to 4 or 5 hours. I can’t think of anything where stuff wouldn’t become mushy after 8+ hours.

    My son has to start eating dinner within 15 min of us getting home in order to be ready for bed on time.

    I’ve been meal prepping on the weekends, but it would be nice to have something cooked that day for dinner occasionally during the week!

    Or if we run out of leftovers earlier than expected to be able to prep ingredients the night before to put in the slow cooker in the morning.

    I don’t like food waste but also my sons appetite increases sometimes (and sometimes for a short period of time) so it’s hard to plan exact amounts for the week.

    Great video btw!

  11. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Another fantastic video Miranda and great recipes for Crockpot ( and other brands of slow cooker). This video provides inspiration to use my slow cooker more often and it's rare that I eat recipes without a tomato base. Have a good week and weekend ahead. Love 🥰 the video and love 💕 Miranda & Joe.


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