🩸How I'm Feeling Post Iron Infusion #WellnessWednesday #IronDeficiency #Anemia

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Find me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/indigonili My Recipe Blog: http://indigonili.com Dr. Berry’s Video on Iron Deficiency …

25 replies
  1. Laura Hudson
    Laura Hudson says:

    I think you're right about the color in your face. There's a glow that looks new. I had forgotten about this until you mentioned perhaps testing for parasites. My friend's husband went through several years of unexplained ill health that got explained in one test once a doctor thought to do it. He had giardia. A parasite

  2. Beverly Friend
    Beverly Friend says:

    Hi Nili, i'm so happy to know you are feeling so much better! Have you considered running your labs etc., by Dr. Berry? Seems his input would be invaluable here. Thank you for all you do, I really enjoy your content and your precious family.

  3. OlderPennsylvanian-OP
    OlderPennsylvanian-OP says:

    My neighbor in her upper 80s and her daughter in her late 40s both have iron absorption issues which seem to be hereditary and they both get iron infusions on a regular basis. Both of them seem healthy otherwise (the mom has the usual age related issues but nothing horrible). They have not told me if there is a specific name for the cause but I can ask them. About 15 years ago I was treated with some vitamin infusions at a naturopathic clinic and reacted with extreme exhaustion. They had told me I might feel worse before I felt better and it took a few weeks and suddenly many things corrected. One doctor described the reaction to being thirsty and given water through a fire hose, that the body is grabbing for whatever it needs. Believing with you for complete wholeness. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  4. Barbara B
    Barbara B says:

    My hematocrit was 27 when I was in my twenties. Back then, I was a pescatarian, and I did have heavy periods. My doctor gave me oral iron supplements for 3 months, back in the '80s. I quit pescetarian and I took a multivitamin and extra vitamin c and all has been well for decades and decades.

  5. Debbie Santiago
    Debbie Santiago says:

    Yes 🙌Nili it’s not your imagination you do have color in your face …so happy for you it all went well…. You were staving for iron ..obviously… prayers you continue this awesome journey of healing …God Bless you and Your’s🙌🙏🙌💖

  6. Celiac Revelation
    Celiac Revelation says:

    Do you have Pernicious Anemia which can make you be lacking in Intrisic Factor in your stomach to uptake your iron? Also have you had Genetic Testing for Celiac Disease and not just endoscopies?

  7. desiree allyn
    desiree allyn says:

    Pernicious anemia…..it means you can not absorb iron because of lacking b12 of sorts. It used to be very serious but it isn’t anymore you just need, usually b12 shots and then your iron is absorbed. Just passing that along.


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