🧡Trying Copper for My #IronDeficiency **2 Month Results**

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21 replies
  1. kimmie taylor72
    kimmie taylor72 says:

    The female body increases iron absorption during menstruation by 3 times the normal rate of absorption. Taking increased amount of iron during menstrual days can help with iron loss.

  2. Leandra Ferry
    Leandra Ferry says:

    A couple of years ago I too received a very low ferritin count…like scary low. I took Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Spleen supplement and it worked like a charm! Hope this helps. 😊

  3. K Tee
    K Tee says:

    Anyone have any information about which type of copper is better absorbed? Citrate versus bisglycinate? Or any trusted brand recommendations?

  4. Sing it!
    Sing it! says:

    It is amazing how you've had all these issues…yet the farm continues to run like a well oiled machine…admirable. Hope entire body reaches homeostasis…👍

  5. anna locke
    anna locke says:

    Hi there is also a HTMA test (hair tissuse mineral analysis) not sure if you looked into that. Im going to be working with a Functional practitioner thats one of the tests she highly recommends. I too had sibo and also have been dealing with low ferritin but i also dont have a gallbladder very different from your issues. Glad you are having positive effects .🤞

  6. Sandra P
    Sandra P says:

    My thoughts are-after these last disastrous few years of being lied to and manipulated (and many being majorly harmed or worse), I'm going back to old school and let the big 'farma' folks keep their ideas and poisons. We've always been used what God put here first, then if necessary look elsewhere. 💜

  7. Marie Cozine
    Marie Cozine says:

    In Dec/2022 I started eating 14 grams of frozen raw beef liver every day. Slightly thaw and swallow like a pill with my coffee, no taste, smell, flavor and no upset stomach from this. In April my labs were checked Vit A, copper and iron all normal. Liver nutrients are so bio-available to the body.

  8. Francis Vlatko
    Francis Vlatko says:

    Thank you for your update Nili. It appears we are on a similar journey. Unfortunately I have an added difficulty of being asymptomatic. I've used supplements and infusions in the past to raise my levels and even though this has worked (bloodwork evidence) it has never given me the 'boost' of energy etc that I've been hoping for.
    I am currently on a 3 month protocol of supplementation which includes copper, after going to a naturopath for the first time and taking a hair mineral analysis. 3 months worth of mineral info resides in your hair growth. I will finish in 2 weeks when I will reanalyse my hair to see if it helped.
    I'm determined to find the root cause. Interestingly, my cycle has always been heavy and I've also investigated this angle which seems to be a contributing factor for the depletion of my iron stores. Coincidentally, my cycle has also gone from 28 to 23 days in the last couple of years. I'll have to double check if this has changed with the copper introduction. The journey continues…


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