🦆PrOMAD?? #WellnessWednesday (Part 2)

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You can find the Profast diet book on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3KhX4tf Find me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/indigonili

36 replies
  1. Jennifer Slater
    Jennifer Slater says:

    Do you think the Profast and Iodine book you mentioned yesterday are both good options for audio books, or are there "charts", etc in the actual book that you think it is worth buying the physical book?

  2. Gail M.
    Gail M. says:

    I used to listen to Dr Mowll’s Mastering Diabetes podcast…it was very good and covered alot of different health and metabolism topics.The book and diet approach sounds interesting. OMAD is not my cup of tea, either. Looking forward to hearing how it pans out for you!

  3. karen leclerc
    karen leclerc says:

    I was doing this and it broke a 2 1/2 year stall. I found it hard to do a full day of PSMF. So I would do PSMF for the first half of the day, then keto for supper. I did it a few days a week. Stalled in February, snacking too much. So I'm going back to the 1/2 days, a few days a week.

  4. Bruce Wayne
    Bruce Wayne says:

    Just implement 1-2 nights/wk for a carb meal at night. Limiting carbs for too long will downregulate the fat oxidation enzymes and thus make it more difficult to lose fat. This is the hormetic effect for carbs. Keto long term is not ancestorally appropriate.

  5. Julie McCartt
    Julie McCartt says:

    Let us know how this works for you. I have been playing with low fat/calorie days every third day. I am extremely tired with zero energy on those days. I’m 65 and at my maintenance weight of 135. I work out 6 days a week burning many calories therefore on lower days, I keep my protein at least 130 and fats 60-100.

  6. Gina Godoy
    Gina Godoy says:

    I did the 3 lean days a week in February and lost a couple pounds and my pants are fitting looser! I'm taking a break this first week in March, then jumping back in for the rest of the month. I also think having the same 3-4 meals to eat during those lean days will help me streamline and simplify my meals. That way I can prep ahead, have it all ready to go, and I don't have to think about it. And it will be easy to plug into my carb manager app. Curious to see how your experiment will go! This sounds like something that will work for me in maintenance.

  7. More Mula
    More Mula says:

    I started about a week a go eating psmf breakfast and keto dinner I feel awesome will see how it goes. So far so good 😊 I hit my protein goal and I don’t go over my fats

  8. patricia murray
    patricia murray says:

    I've been doing this meal mix since February and I love it. My higher fat meal is usually breakfast and then i'll do a psmf meal at lunch and dinner. I think you will love it as well.

  9. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    Thanks for the update. January I went paleo again. February I added some cheese back in, and I did cheat around Valentine’s Day with some chocolate and candy. I also had a couple of new pastries from our bakery (Part of the job is trying all the new products so I can sell them better to the customers.) I did feel the fatigue from that so I know I have to avoid it. I went back to my paleo-ish eating after that. I just did 3 days of Cheat Day and went back, I also added in a bit of grain to my diet in February (Oats and Quinoa). I did not have any problems with the quinoa or oats. I only ate them a couple of times. March I am going to finish off the cheese, continue with the oats and maybe add in some other whole grains and I will add in more beans and pulses (just bought a packet of red lentils for soup,) I forgot, I added in a bit of real bread in February – mainly sourdough and rye. No white bread. It didn’t really bother my system much and was very enjoyable to eat a real sandwich. I am limiting that to one time a week. So, yesterday I had real pizza dough (went to a restaurant with a friend.) It did make me feel sleepy but when I got home I had a normal paleo-ish dinner (my leftover enchiladas made with the carnivore crepes.) I topped them with some real sour cream but it was lactose-free. They were so good. Today I had some keto granola for breakfast with some oat milk and a few strawberries. Lunch will be a sandwich made with the egg white bread (tuna salad). Dinner will be fish cooked in the air fryer with some cauliflower rice. I will serve real rice to my family as they are not Paleo. I am actually trying to gain a few pounds so I will try and add some extra higher fat snacks in during the day (just bought 2 packages of different beef sticks,)
    Good luck with your March Tweaking.

  10. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    Very interesting! Seems like it could give the best of both worlds? I’ve definitely noticed that after a full lean day, my body is like GIRL GETCHUR FAT ON! 🤣 Excited for your “WIEIAD” vids on this, they are always super inspiring. ☺️ Not sure if it could help or not, but I made a PSMF version of your IP egg custard/pudding. Just left out the egg yolks and added a little vanilla and allulose to the base (as opposed to on top). I did sub unsweetened cashew milk for the water, but I bet water would work just fine, too! I served it cold and much preferred the outcome to Maria’s egg white porridge. It was very “breakfasty” with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of Rx Maple! 😋

  11. Marydee Mock
    Marydee Mock says:

    How funny… I'm doing pro mad and didn't even know it had a name!! I chose this direction because because it allowed me to eat a PSMF morning meal, and then have a normal keto dinner with my husband at the end of the day. It works! I lose weight on ProMad days!

  12. Simple Chatelaine
    Simple Chatelaine says:

    Love your channel! It’s like having someone to do all the things I would do myself if I had the time! I’m in school and will finish in Dec but, in the meantime, am learning so much from your experience which is the next best thing to experimenting myself. I’ve already got a ton of ideas to implement as soon as I graduate and your videos have saved me soooo much time! Thanks for sharing!

  13. bearsmom42
    bearsmom42 says:

    I bought the book. I like PSMF because it always helps me get into weight loss mode. But my body seems to really crave fat by evening and I have trouble sticking to it the whole day. I will be interested in seeing what kind of results we get!

    KUSTOMDELUXE84 says:

    I've been trying a leaner (70 grams fat vs 120) day every 3rd day for a month now. I eat some poultry and fish on those days. Trying to lose the last 10 pounds. I dropped about 2 lbs. so far, if anything it's a good way to get more fish.

  15. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    I agree with you, I do not like OMAD, though I will do it if I am traveling. I am finding eating when I am hungry only still leads to about 2 meals a day. It will be interesting to see where your experiments in food and eating take you next. Will be looking for the eating day videos. I am going to try adding in more chicken and fish to my lifestyle this month. I have been doing beef, butter, bacon and eggs and have been missing fish. Have a great week!


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