🥛WHYYYY Dairy??? 😭 & What about CARBS?? **Fat-Cycling** #WellnessWednesday

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23 replies
  1. Hannah
    Hannah says:

    It's not a coincidence. Carbs effect my cycle too. I find that I have bad cramps as well if I had too many carbs that month. But on carnivore or even keto I have zero cramps and a lighter cycle.

  2. Deanna Peterson
    Deanna Peterson says:

    I honestly think overnight is a little too soon to make a judgement. Also, I don't believe we burn two pounds of fat overnight. I think you might retain or lose two pounds of water but not burn two pounds of fat. At any rate, one night is too soon to make a choice to give up a food group.

  3. AV
    AV says:

    Timing is perfect! I'm right there with you! Been doing PSMF 3x wk with extra protein if im hungry, for two weeks. No movement on scale 😢😢 Started out and stuck at 162!! I've been ignoring the voice in my head about dairy. Ugh!! Do you include eggs and butter when you say dairy? Or mostly thinking cheese, yogurt, and cream? I don't want to get discouraged and quit. 💕I

  4. Sarah Thomson
    Sarah Thomson says:

    I feel you around the dairy. I love it, so. But it's like the wheat – so much goes wrong so quickly in terms of weight and health. A doctor once told me that almost all his patients that have a problem with wheat also have issues with dairy. But hey! You'll still eat the yogurt, right?

  5. Angie Homeschool Mom
    Angie Homeschool Mom says:

    Dairy does the same to me. I've decided to avoid it (for the most part) until I'm at goal weight. I'm not too far from there, and dairy doesn't make me feel sick, so I don't see much sense in giving it up long term.

  6. nanchesca
    nanchesca says:

    I think that's a good compromise for an experiment. I plateaued for many months at the same weight and suspected it might be dairy. I'm thankful to finally see the numbers move without giving up the dairy! I've been wearing a CGM for a few weeks and that's really helped me get real about what's actually low carb


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