🥗Prioritizing Protein & Food Tracking #WellnessWednesday #Ketovore #Keto

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24 replies
  1. MC1R Positive Susie Q
    MC1R Positive Susie Q says:

    @Nili you may have already known this but just in case you or anyone else reading/watching doesn’t Phytates deplete heme iron… 🤷‍♀️just thought I’d throw that out there. Not sure which foods contain phytates or which are the highest. I think walnuts may be one?

  2. Mary Christina
    Mary Christina says:

    Thank you for allowing us into your lifestyle progression. I have to track for the most part because I am an overreater. I have been keto for 3 and a 1/2 years now And it's easy for me to eat more than I need to even if it's my safe foods. I do go through periods where I don't track and that's usually where I more am looking for maintenance. I have lost over 155 pounds and I have About 55 More to go and in order to reach my goal I definitely need to keep an eye on what I'm eating and how much I'm eating. I don't lie when I'm tracking but I do lie if I'm not.

  3. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I am not a tracker. Hate it. I did it for awhile to see how much fat/protein/carbs I was consuming and I tweaked my diet after that. Haven't since because it is a pain in the butt. February I am adding in a bit of all the naughty stuff – once a week I will consume a bit of wheat or whole grains, a bit of sugar, and a little more cheese. See how it goes. I will also add in some exercise, as much as I can without hurting myself. I tend to start doing it, maybe for 2 weeks, and then I hurt myself at work (just enough to make it difficult to exercise) and can't do it for another couple of weeks. So, I will take it slowly, along with trying to be more careful at work, and see how things go.

  4. dorrie junior
    dorrie junior says:

    Your experience is why we need to adjust the lower carb life to what suits us as an individuals. Some people are doing really well on high fat, some PSMF a few days a week, some keto, some just low carb, and so protien forward. I currently feel best protien forward, but I may have to change that at some point going forward. I currently losely track carbs. I aim for under 20.

  5. jacki killiany
    jacki killiany says:

    Hey there! Pretty new to your channel. I basically (when i am good), follow maria emmerich but i sure love your bread options. I wanted to tell you about my iron issue, you might get some valuable info. I have the opposite of you, which is hemochromatosis. So if you go look up what that is, just do the opposite of me. like if you eat meat, eat it with vitamin c, which increases absorbtion. Dairy, eggs, coffe, tea(tannins) decrease absorbtion if taken while eating. Havent seen exactly what you"ve got or if doing opposite of what i do will work. Just a heads up for you on food interactions. Hope this helps!!

  6. Terry Riley
    Terry Riley says:

    Good to hear the upbeat news on your health!!!!!!!
    I'm a very diligent, disciplined, and organized person…but o my goodness, golly, gracious when it comes to tracking, for me, it seems to be the biggest and worst ordeal by far…hats off to those who have mastered it!!!

  7. Chris Hileman
    Chris Hileman says:

    I am Ketovore for 4 years now. I’ve played with intuitive eating several times and gained weight every time. I find tracking keeps me honest and on track.

    I am also with you that fat never makes me feel full, only protein satisfies my hunger. I end up at 30-40% protein on about 3000 calories with as few carbs as possible, usually <10. My diet is mostly meat and Keto Bricks.

  8. K
    K says:

    I had the hardest time getting in enough animal protein but two things to note- cod, shrimp and lean white fish is easy to chew and digest but also the body has to work up to synthesizing it – so gradually increase before you give up My FMP MD added Little Neck Clams to my diet for the Iron

  9. Hello Mr. Tito
    Hello Mr. Tito says:

    I have iron issues too however I was prescribed an iron pill because mine wasn't to the level that I needed an infusion. Upon reading the prescription info sheet i learned that eggs are one of the biggest foods that block iron absorption. If you're like me being keto or carnivore you eat a lot of eggs. It's no wonder I wasn't absorbing iron from my regular diet because of all the eggs I eat. Now knowing this information, I take my iron pill at least an hour before I eat which is before breakfast which is normally eggs. I haven't gone back to the doctor yet to have my levels rechecked but I'm hoping that separating eating the eggs from my iron medication that my levels will improve. But like I said I eat a lot of eggs. A lot of times, for every meal

  10. karron lane
    karron lane says:

    when you think about how challenging it is for many of us to sort the right solution for our particular body, it's no wonder most doctors are clueless around so many variables. good job paying attention to the needs of your body and making adjustments, it's not always an easy journey and certainly not for the faint of heart. we are def our own best advocate.

  11. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    I started tracking when I started keto 4 years ago. I had no idea what a serving of protein looked like and I was way off when it came to managing my fat and carbs. As I became more aware of what things looked like on the plate, I eased up on tracking. I still go back every now and then to track for a while, mainly to remind myself that I can overeat on protein and fat. I also can eat lots of fat and never get full and I have to watch that I am ingesting enough protein. It is a delicate dance of life on this lifestyle but I wouldn't go back to my old way of life for anything.

  12. Carol Petty
    Carol Petty says:

    I am a tracker just helps me know how I’m doing. Been in a stall low carb and 20 carbs a day. Just can’t seem to get unstuck. But hanging in there. Hopefully it will break soon. But it’s a lifestyle for me.

  13. nathan klein
    nathan klein says:

    Glad to see the healing is happening! Dont go to fast or it can return! Just speaking from experience. Tolerate and thrive on are two different things. After 4 years I ended up 60%,35%,5% Keto- ish I tracked on and off for years as I worked through medical issues now i just eat and listen to my body.


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