🥔CARNIVORE Mashed “Potatoes”?! REALLY?! **Recipe Review**@ChrisCookingNashville

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41 replies
  1. Chris Cooking Nashville
    Chris Cooking Nashville says:

    Just wanted to post here too because I know a lot of folks are asking questions and offering ideas:

    The egg whites being really dry is key. Mine definitely don’t jiggle when dried out enough so that might help your outcome. I also use 2-3 Tbsp of cream at a time “as needed” but never actually put a cap on the amount as it varies based on the eggs and how dry they are. Don’t want them liquid, but getting them to flow will definitely help with texture and then the egg whites powder brings the texture back in line. Might help your next recipe if you do them again. And that extra cooking will help with the egg flavor as the sulfur gases dissipate as the egg dries. 😊😊😊 Thank you again for reviewing the recipe and sending folks my way. Great tip on the potato masher. I’ll have to get one because that’s easier. 😁

  2. Robert Renbris
    Robert Renbris says:

    I get annoyed by people who flame on "processed food" in general. What process? It is such a dum thing to say, because basically all cooked food is processed in some way, hell cooking IS processing food! So if you are anti-process you are anti cooking. Yes, all anti-processed food people should just go and bite cows directly! And if you want to flame some part of a process, BE SPECIFIC!!! Sorry, this might not have anything to do with your video, but I liked your remark about going to bite a cow.

  3. The Mynames
    The Mynames says:

    Thanks for bringing this one to our attention. I know Ooo Flavor drops sells a Mashed Potato version, but I have not tried it. Wonder if it would add to this in a good way or a bad way.

  4. eileenfb1948
    eileenfb1948 says:

    I have never cared too much for mashed potatoes BUT if I feed my friends then it is helpful to have a good substitute. Otherwise they ask to have potatoes and bread with the meal I cook them.

  5. Adorable Adornments
    Adorable Adornments says:

    I probably wouldn't make these because of it being so time consuming, but it is interesting how he came up with this. The only thing I might do while blending is add some potato flavoring.

  6. Anita Bellefeuille
    Anita Bellefeuille says:

    I made these tonight, I thought they were delicious. My son thought they were okay. I did not have any cream cheese, mozzarella, or whipping cream so I just used extra sour cream. They still had the potato texture and almost the taste. Better tasting than instant potato flakes, not quite the same as my moms homemade mashed potatoes. Make sure you cook them really dry, I could tell that is where the texture comes from.
    I think next time it would be easier to use my stick blender instead of my regular blender.
    That way I can mix it all in the serving bowl, and see when the texture is perfect.

  7. methanial73
    methanial73 says:

    Hello Nili. Believe it or not Daikon is a great mashed potato substitute. Cook it in boiling water for 30 min using small pieces drain thoroughly and blend in a blender (or food processor). Cook until desired thickness and then put whatever toppings you like on it! Daikon is a Asian radish and you can find it at your local Asian store.

  8. Katie Cook
    Katie Cook says:

    I made these and thought they were amazing. My husband had the same reaction as your girls.😅. I used a hand mixer and loved the texture. But I always liked my mashed potatoes chunky. It's what my ribeye was missing. I love your recipes. Thank you for sharing.

  9. D Read
    D Read says:

    i wonder if a food processor would work ??saw his recipe the other day and now this one, when i watched his i was hoping he was going to show us just how he toasted the gelatin so we would know how it was done

  10. LQ
    LQ says:

    Nilli, leave out the egg white at the end, and add a little more cream. After you plate it, add butter or, like you did, a gravy. It's delicious

  11. Marcia Butler
    Marcia Butler says:

    I enjoy your chanel so much, however, I think I am like your daughters with regard to the egg white bread recipes. I've successfully made most of your popular ones, even the yeasted real butter buns, but they are just not as good as real bread. I think I will continue to simply go without. Too much work for something I'm not crazy about. I really made them to help with PSMF-ish meals, but then found out that egg whites are not a complete protein! Grrr.

  12. Debbie Ricker
    Debbie Ricker says:

    I appreciate this, but even if it did taste like mashed potatoes, that's "way yonder" too much trouble. Like your daughter said, I just wouldn't have mashed potatoes.

  13. Gerald Matestic
    Gerald Matestic says:

    Indigo: The potato was not around in Paleolithic times but the small wild potato did exist….The big ones we eat today are cultured……So like grains man's digestive tract probably was not designed to consume the potatoes were consuming today…….But I do love a nice boiled potatoe….

  14. Teresa P
    Teresa P says:

    LOL. Love the girls!!😂😂

    I've been watching Chris. I think I'm going to try them this weekend. Thanks for the advice on Vitamix. I just got mine!

  15. Michele A
    Michele A says:

    So glad you tested this. I had already planned to test Chris’ recipe this weekend! Glad to know the tip about using lower speed for Vitamix! 😊❤️🥓🍗🥩🥚🧈

  16. Gladys O'Brien
    Gladys O'Brien says:

    Pardon me, your taste testing was not equivalent to Chris’‼‼‼‼‼
    He pored melted butter all over the potatoes! 🧈🧈🧈🧈🧈You did not‼‼‼
    Try again‼‼‼‼‼Please‼‼‼‼‼

  17. christilatintity
    christilatintity says:

    Omg… The options are endless… "Potato" pancakes, twice baked mashed potatoes, "potato" tots, "potato" bread, chips, crackers, waffles, noodles, breading, hash browns. Hmmm!

  18. Anita Breeze
    Anita Breeze says:

    Yay! So glad you tried this, Chris is so creative! He of course just HAD to release during my no dairy month, lol! And I almost spit out my water at the 'real' carnivores who should just go eat the animal from the field, loved it! 😂

  19. christilatintity
    christilatintity says:

    I wonder if Ghee or bacon drippings were used instead of butter if it would help with the "water" content since ghee has water removed. Or I wonder if you could use boiled egg whites and just process them with butter

  20. Terri Caton
    Terri Caton says:

    Chris is so creative and these "mashed potatoes" are awesome. I found I like them better with added garlic and onion powder and sour cream, agree with your first daughter, too eggy. I pureed mine for a long time so it was super smooth, I didn't use egg white powder and I definitely used more cream. His recipe for "rice" is one I have made many times already. Thanks for promoting him, he deserves it.

  21. BeerBellyBert
    BeerBellyBert says:

    Please thank your kids for their honest reviews. Thank you too for taking the time trying this out. I've just started keto & many of the ingredients are too expensive to keep trying recipes with disappointing results.


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