🤔HOARDING or Minimalism? FOOD STORAGE + Money 🚨HOARDING vs. Frugal Minimalism vs. PREPPING 2020

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HOARDING or Minimalism? FOOD STORAGE + Money HOARDING vs. Frugal Minimalism vs. PREPPING 2020. What is your take?

37 replies
  1. Ibislife
    Ibislife says:

    This crisis came so fast, I am not buying anything on credit, and this month I was paying off a big purchase from last month, so no extra to go out hoarding. In my country, the stores still have groceries and. I go grocery shopping once a month, and supplement with fresh veggies and fruits once a week. So, this crisis hit in the middle of the month. What to do? Nothing. I did nothing. We are not starving, there is food in the freezer an pantry. Going to my brothers for eggs after work tomorrow, and will buy some extra meat from him as well. Ok, so I am lucky, having my brother as my emergency food storage, but I didn't have to, I can go to the end of the month with the things I have. .

  2. Heather Chinoski
    Heather Chinoski says:

    Do you make a decaf keto coffee? What's your recipe? I just started drinking decaf after quitting regular coffee 3 and half years ago. I have a second fridge and freezer it's definitely coming in handy at this time. Definitely only want to stock what we need and will use.

  3. A W
    A W says:

    This is my favorite video of yours!! I agree 10,000% with all you shared!! Ironically I was just thinking about if these two parts of how I want to live my life could co-exist… Here's what I decided….I value preparedness & minimalism & that's ok!!! Minimalism, for me, is a life of intention according to what you value! If that be a cozy atmosphere including blanket & throw pillows (bring it on girl !! 😉) or being prepared by having food stock… I consider myself a minimalist in the making & since I value these same things you mentioned in the video that's is what I will do! Awesome job! 💜 😊

  4. M Hop16
    M Hop16 says:

    Food storage is so important to my family and that's mostly because I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the church believes in food storage for preparedness. I always have a food storage but I eat what I store so I am always using it and replenishing it every once in awhile. I actually go to one the church's websites and it tells me each month what to stock up on. Like this month is beans and fish. Which ensures us to have a full food storage. Some may call it hoarding but it is definitely our way of life and brings me peace.

  5. Aleksandra Sidel
    Aleksandra Sidel says:

    Hi Kim,
    Have been watching you from your very first videos. I agree with you 100%. My husband always ordered stuff in bulk and I made fun of him for years! Only now I can see how right he was.

  6. Andrea Wright
    Andrea Wright says:

    This situation going on in our world right now has woken me up to the incredible value of preparation that should supersede the visual satisfaction of a tidy, sparsely-filled "minimalist" pantry.

  7. Stacie Stowell
    Stacie Stowell says:

    We live in an area that we have to prep for hurricanes in the early spring before the season hits. Being prepared for a natural disaster or any other is not hoarding, it is preparation. And when you live in an area that can lose power for weeks at a time, pre-cooking proteins and freezing them is a must.

  8. Donna Meyer
    Donna Meyer says:

    Working moms have always batch cooked! I used to do it Sunday evening so I did not have to cook every day. That, in my opinion, is not hoarding. That is being prepared and practical. Hoarding is buying up everything and not letting others have any.

    Back when the Chinese government quarantined 40 million people back in January, I had a bad feeling. And I had a feeling we weren't being told the whole story. So I started adding a bag of beans, a bag of flour, things like that until I had a little put away. Glad I went with my gut.

  9. Chaparra J.
    Chaparra J. says:

    I'd really like to see your food storage for emergency. I know you said you don't want for us to feel like we need to buy everything what you have, but just to get an idea. Thanks

  10. mariolados
    mariolados says:

    I’m mum of two and full time midwife and main bread provider. I’m minimalist but my storage is full. I need to have stuff to make a meals for my family after working many days.

  11. Martha Mares
    Martha Mares says:

    I think minimalism means different things to different people. I am not a minimalist by any means but this year I've set out to simplify my life and home. Food however will never be minimalized in my home. We grew up in Mexico and let me tell you that there were days that my siblings and I (and I'm sure my mom) were hungry with nothing to eat and no one to give us scraps. My children will not go hungry. About 10 years ago my husband lost his job and it was my job to provide for our growing family. It was a tough couple of years and we relied on food banks. Out situation is better now but my life experiences have taught me to be prepared. I shop sales and try to keep food in my pantry that will feed my family for at least 2 to 3 months. Every summer, when the temp rises above 100 degrees and I hate to leave my air conditioned home, we use pretty much everything in that pantry and start stocking up again in the fall when a lot of pantry staples go on sale. That said, I think it's important to pay attention to what's going on in the world. Not to be alarmed, but to be prepared. Just a couple weeks ago we were getting ready for our spring break vacation. It was around the time I get my monthly supply of some household stuff so I went and got that. Then a day before our vacation I start hearing about grocery store shelves being emptied and went ahead and bought another month's worth. Is that hoarding? I came back from vacation and the whole world's gone mad. You have to stand in line to get your most basic necessities! I had to buy some fresh fruit and veggies as well as dairy and the difference of a week is surreal. I am glad I thought ahead and don't have to leave my home for a few weeks to deal with lines and other people's pannic.

  12. Claudia Jimenez
    Claudia Jimenez says:

    I grew up very poor and hungry quite often so I now have a stocked pantry all of the time. It's just a normal way of life for me. Plus when you buy on sale you never have to run to the store when you desperately need something.

  13. jujube2407
    jujube2407 says:

    "Hoarding" stuff you will never use is not practical or good…but stocking up a pantry with canned tomatoes and beans pasta etc something your family will eat eventually is a ok with me… buying tons and tons and tons you cannot consume before it expires or something you dont desire on the regular is a waste. I have been shopping the sales loss leaders every week to stock up my house…I ll buy the stupid cheap chicken on sale and freeze in one pound portions.. or ribs when on sale only etc… so in a month or so I can choose to have ribs when I want becuase they were are cheap…and not disappoint the family because they were 4 or 5 dollars a pound…I'll stock up at 1.49 a pound sale etc… if they require a 10 or 15 dollar purchase ill get my canned tomatoes or cream or produce to hit that spot…ie all the other fresh stuff you need for the week anyway!

  14. Christy Diaz
    Christy Diaz says:

    I could agree with you more!! Over the years I have continued to simplify my life. But when it comes to food and household necessities, you best believe I will make sure my family has what they need. What I won’t do anymore though is panic buy things that we don’t eat or use in our daily lives. I keep a healthy back stock of food so I don’t find myself in the midst of panic buying like what’s happening now.

  15. Wendy Panozzo
    Wendy Panozzo says:

    The people who are hoarding food are the ones who were blind minded by this and panicked. They had no pantry surplus to rely on.Its really just common sense to have enough for your family to live on for awhile! I just looked into chest freezers last night and Home Depot was sold out of the mid size ones. I think food storage is now first and foremost on peoples mind as they got a taste of what can happen.

  16. Renae Ans
    Renae Ans says:

    I saw that coming … “ FOOD HOARDING!!!”
    ummm no , it’s called a well stocked pantry.
    Buy what you need , and GARDEN ! if you live in an apartment, container garden.

    My goal is to have a year’s worth . And a huge garden . Because of where I live . There are at least 3 times a year that we get snowed or weather related “locked” in .

    The biggest issue with the minimalist movement I had , was the no pantry. It’s very irresponsible, in my humble opinion.

  17. Rebecca Hersey
    Rebecca Hersey says:

    If we look back in time our ancestors preserved food. So I do not think it's hording as long as you eat what you are storing. At a young age I learned how to can food that we grew in the garden. I also learned how to dehydrate. These are things that I still do today. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! And I wholeheartedly believe the same as you!

  18. Lauren Bakos
    Lauren Bakos says:

    I always have a stash of canned goods and frozen foods. Both my husband and I know what it’s like to go hungry, as I know a lot of people know what that feels like, and I always said my kids will never know what it’s like to go without. Thank you for another great video. Also I like the live videos but something happen and it froze up and lost you.


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