😳My Fat Pictures #WellnessWednesday #atkins #before&after

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32 replies
  1. M. Gregg
    M. Gregg says:

    How cool!!! Thank you for sharing this part of your journey!!! You actually have always looked great. Looking forward to hearing more. My husband, too, has never needed "weight loss," though he would disagree and has definitely improved his weight control and how he feels through intermittent fasting. I so appreciate the real-life perspective you have and your ability to adapt your meals and food shopping for members of the family who do not need to be keto, while still maintaining the way of eating that works for you. Thank you for bringing us along.

  2. Laurie Carlson
    Laurie Carlson says:

    Thanks for sharing!!! Happy you are so conscious of 'what could be' and you avoid it!!! You have excellent foresight!!! And an amazing brain coming up with ALL your wonderful recipes!! Thank YOU!!!!

  3. ChrisW
    ChrisW says:

    You are beautiful in all the pics you showed us. The bmi calculations is definitely not fit for purpose; I wouldn’t have said you were overweight in any of the pics.

  4. Steven Dunn
    Steven Dunn says:

    Thank you for sharing the early photos. I have just recently followed you. You were so cute in the old pictures but OMG! you look so fit now. Very inspiring. Thank you again for focusing on health not just size. My size never bothered me. Type II, high BP, and a bad back is why I changed my diet.

  5. Good News Keto
    Good News Keto says:

    You WERE pretty! You really didn't look that heavy (except maybe in the baggy pants one 😆).

    Unfortunately, my mother took diet pills when she was pregnant with me, so I had a weight (fat) problem all my life. I am tall (5'10.5"), so I can carry a lot of weight and not look too bad, but I was over 300 lbs when I graduated from high school. I was actually fairly happy until I hit the big 3!

    I went on a starvation diet along with excessive exercise (about 3 hrs at a time, 2 or 3 times a day). I totally wrecked my health, but I lost 50 lbs.

    Afterwards, I started the Scarsdale diet and lost about 85 lbs more, so I was down to 165 at my lowest, which I felt was a good weight for me. However, I was "supposed" to weigh about 140 🙄. Then….I got married…

    Two kids later, I was over 400 and climbing steadily until I hit my highest at 612 lbs when I was about 45-ish. Then, for the next several years, I did my best to lose weight, which I did manage to lose about 80 lbs, but only out of grief after my husband of 30+ years passed away in 2016.

    Then, I found Keto; however, I was sooooo hesitant to begin keto because of the plethora of diets and the experiences I'd had in the past. So, after about three-four years of zealous studying (6-10 hrs a day), I decided that I would bite the bullet, so I have lost another 50 lbs, which is a total of 130 lbs so far.

    With my health in a horrible condition, my weight-loss is slow going. However, as long as the scale keeps going down, I'm okay with that.

    I am currently at 482, which is still super morbidly obese, but it's a journey. Keto is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm in it for the long haul for the rest of my life—however long that may be.

    I am 58, and my doctor told me at 612 that I wouldn't live past 50, so I figure I'm at least 8 years to the good.

    Do I have hiccups? Sure. I've fallen off the wagon, got ran over by the back wheels, rolled down in a gully full of mud… But, I picked myself up and carried on.

    My family is another story. I live with my younger daughter and she nor the rest of my family support my decision to do Keto.

    My daughter is quickly following in my footsteps and catching up with me. I beg, plead, cry, pray, etc., that I can get her to join me while she is still young (31). If not, idk what I will do if something were to happen to her…

    Anyway, I'll stop here. Sorry for the long story! I just wish I could help even one person and everything would be worth it…

    Love ya! ❤💙💜 ~Lana

  6. katrien van herzele
    katrien van herzele says:

    I think that the people who created the BMI scale are all anorexia… What they call as the best weight is not even healthy, specially for women. Our body needs a bit of 'reserve', that's how we are programmed to have a good working body. If we go under a certain ratio, our body kicks in survival modus and doesn't process food at the normal way, but wants to store more fat for in times there is less food available. Being to skinny also gives joint problems.
    I always say, take the cm beyond the meter and add 5 to 10 % and that number gives you in kg what is a healthy weight. I'm 1,59 m. So if you add 5 to 10 % to the 59 you get => 62 – 65 kg. I'm now at 64 kg so I'm spot on. Last year I was at 78 kg. That was before I started AIP (auto immuun protocol) and now I combine AIP with Keto and I feel very good. So please don't let BMI make you think you are to "fat" . BMI (mine is 25,3 = overweight) says that I should weigh between 47 and 63 kg. If I was 47 kg, I would look like a skeleton… 😮

  7. Joanne Morrison
    Joanne Morrison says:

    I am trying to join from Canada🇨🇦 can we from. Canada? Do we need to use a phone? Can I just use my iPad for the APP? I need to know before I join because it is expensive to text from Canada to the US. Thanks😇 looking forward to hearing….jo

  8. Travelgirl210
    Travelgirl210 says:

    I’ve been a sub of your channel for many years now, started watching when I got an Instant Pot and you were living in the other house doing Instant Pot videos. But watching your before photos I was amazed. Not at your weight but your mission trip. Were you on a Madagascar team with TMI? Sure looks like it to me. I spent five summers at boot camp from 1989 to 1993. My son was on a team in 1988 to Egypt and that’s how I got involved. My late husband and I were kitchen volunteers at BC from 1989 to 1992. Then in 1993 my son and I went as team leaders to Romania. So amazing. If I guessed right about your mission can I ask who were your leaders? Anyway I love your channel Nili.


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