😱 My Carb-Loving Family Devoured These LOW CARB CROCKPOT RECIPES!

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Use code MINDY120 to get $120 off across your first 4 boxes of Good Chop at http://bit.ly/3lWRjug! Are you looking for low carb …

27 replies
  1. @hothatchpa
    @hothatchpa says:

    Just made the first one with italian chicken sausage. Added some dried peppers and soul seasoning to the mix. This was amazing. I wish I could show you.
    Thank you for this.

  2. @nanizon
    @nanizon says:

    Great! To define Keto(sis): the bodies metabolic process for changing food into fuel as opposed to the other metabolic process of Insulin conversioin of carbohydrates. Our keto meta burn fat to make keytone bodies for fuel. Our brains love Keytones whereas too much sugar will damage and kill brain and other cells. Our Keto meta will actually release the stored fuel that we carry as fat. It also releases Leptin our saiety hormone. Carb/insulin diets will actually through our metabolisms into disorder. Too many carbs=too much suger in blood=danger to brain= large releases of insulin to remove it from the blood=liver converting to fat=too low bld sugar=hunger hormone= cycle of eat>store>fat buildup, which is obesity. Then Insulin Resistance (metabolic disorder)= Type2 Diabetes (metabolic disorder)= Fatty Liver, Artery blockage, heart disease, strock, high BP…. In Ketosis our bodies are most prepared to go to thru the next two stages of complete Metabolism. Fasting which puts the body into Autophagy or Recycle and repair. This is when our body begins to "eat up" dead or damaged cells for the body to reuse parts or distroy. It will destroy some virus' and some cancers. I hear you that you don'y want to buy commercial keto products but, in all fairness aren't you buying commercial foods that trigger an Insulin response. The challange for ketosis is to get a finite number of calories from fat(high) a moderate amount from proteins and a very small amount from carbs. I eat 20 or less grams of carbs/day. The healthiest way to reverse Insulin Resistance to prevent T2D etc. is to stay in ketosis and give our cells a chance to resensitize to Insulin by resting the body from the insulin metabolism. PS the brain loves keto so much that it won't have seizures like it does with a carb based diet. Before pharmecutical treatment for seizure disorders, a keto diet was the best therapy and it still works. It's really wonderful to experience you body in ketosis – like no other thing you've experienced.

  3. @thereserivera7691
    @thereserivera7691 says:

    Oh my I have ingredients, except Parmesan garlic sauce, for all 3 recipes-have ground beef & herbed riced cauliflower thawing out in fridge & now can decide what to make. Also, have sausages thawing out in fridge! Chicken in freezer! WOW! Thank you. BTW, low carb/ keto miracle noodles( a little pricey), however, a nice change up from cauliflower rice, spaghetti squash, etc. Amazon has them.

  4. @Adoexxo
    @Adoexxo says:

    I understand that this isn’t the point of your videos but I just wanted to say that I struggle with a restrictive ed and your videos are so comforting and you’re often one of the few Chanels i can come to to make me feel like I deserve to eat and feel less wasteful about spending money on food as well. I just want to thank you for the content you put out , it means a lot to me ❤

  5. @Casey_Barrowman
    @Casey_Barrowman says:

    The stuffed pepper soup is a favorite in our house. I've never done it in the Crockpot. Trust me and use some fire roasted tomatoes and a little brown sugar, it's ahhhhmazing! We top with crackers and cheese like chili, sooo good!

  6. @dianecuthbertson2686
    @dianecuthbertson2686 says:

    Looks delish! Wow a lot of dairy, block of cream cheese, milk & cream, cheese, & normally butter, I would probably use half those amounts and add in a little more chicken stock.
    I have noticed the same with lots of American dishes, they all use lots of different dairy ingredients in the one dish, I’m in Australia and we would only use the two, cheese, can’t skip the cheese 😂 and probably anywhere between 1/4 cup to half a cup of cream and that’s it, we don’t tend to use cream cheese in many savoury dishes, we normally make cheesecakes with our cream cheese.

  7. @DahliaBrynn
    @DahliaBrynn says:

    As a mom of a child with epilepsy, who did medical keto for two years (where EVERYTHING was weighed to the gram), thank you for differentiating this. It always frustrates me when people call everything keto, when it's really more low carb/high fat (LCHF), and not even remotely keto (which was created to treat diabetics before insulin was available).


  8. @StephanieLMedina89
    @StephanieLMedina89 says:

    Hi Mindy. Love your videos. Advice needed. Yes im talking about myself. Im like a 5 year old when it comes to my pickyness. I notice alot of budget recipes involve pastas, rice, beans, veggies which I have absolutely despised for the almost 34 years of my life.

    How does one get passed the child like pickyness? If anyone has suggestions im game

    I too am trying to avoid carbs

  9. @kaitlynjanine
    @kaitlynjanine says:

    Thank you for this video! My husband is a picky eater and a diabetic. It’s so hard to think of things he would eat that will be good for him and this video had some good ideas! I love your channel and I’m so glad you made a low carb video.

  10. @tammiepowell2818
    @tammiepowell2818 says:

    Absolutely love these recipes! Haven’t watched your videos in the past few months (my dad was at my house in hospice care and recently passed away) but love any budget food videos especially when I have all the ingredients on hand.
    I’m shocked (not shocked) how much the kids have grown. Thanks for all that you do!

  11. @vickigrice4663
    @vickigrice4663 says:

    These sausages are just to full of grease for me. I love the flavor but I have to take it out of the skin, break up and sauté, draining and blotting all the grease out that I can get out. The spices ones have so much flavor and since you are adding red pepper flakes why not give it a try?

  12. @DCupcake58
    @DCupcake58 says:

    All of these look amazing. I never thought to turn the spaghetti squash upside down to roast…I’ve been struggling keeping it tented with foil cut side up since I can’t seem to cut one in half evenly. Genius!


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